Hydrovacing: Revolutionizing Excavation Power

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Hydrovacing: Revolutionizing Excavation Power

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Excavation is often a tedious and time-consuming part of construction that nobody wants to deal with. The hours put into measuring, digging, and clearing to create smooth and large surfaces to work is extremely expensive.

 Thankfully, technology has progressed enough that we have new options that have revolutionized this process! Hydrovac excavation is one of the most powerful tools any construction company can have under its belt: here’s why.

1. What is Hydrovacing? 

The process of excavation usually requires trenching, digging, dredging, and then finally, site development. This is a long process that can result in a project turning out to your liking.

 Hydrovacing offers something else entirely! This process uses high-pressure water instead of metal to liquefy and cut the ground you’re working on. While the water liquefies the soul, a hydro-vac will also vacuum a high volume of water and soil from the site, reducing waste.

 Both the fresh water and soil are then stored by the hydro-vac itself. This truck is capable of clearing entire portions of land in the time it would take people to complete.   Using the power of water, one of the most powerful natural resources that exists.

2. How Much Time Does it Take?

Hydro excavation can often take longer to complete the actual excavation process, but it does cut down time in other areas. This form of excavation is more targeted and precise, ensuring you don’t have to spend hours measuring and laying out plans for excavation ahead of time. 

 According to the Common Ground Alliance, a utility line gets hit every six minutes in the USA. This leads to far more expensive and time-consuming fixes, which you can completely avoid by using a hydro excavator.

3. Is It More Affordable?

Hydro excavation is far more affordable and cost-effective than classic excavation. Not only do you need dumb trucks and backhoes without a hydro excavator, but you’ll also need several industrial-grade digging machines and far more workers to man and guide all of this. 

 A hydro excavator can be extremely cost-effective, especially if you run a newer company that’s still sourcing materials and deciding which machines to buy or pass on.

4. Where Is Hydrovacing Available?

Finding hydro excavation services in your area is easier than you may think! There are multiple services in every city that offer it, giving you the chance to find someone quickly and nearby. 

 Having multiple choices also means that if you’re hiring someone for one single project, you can trust that you’ll be able to shop around and find a price that suits your needs.

5. Can You Outsource This Work?

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Yes! Most people who use hydro excavation are regular people hiring contractors. This gives you the freedom to clear a messy property, get the most precise work possible, and avoid the stress of having to dig anything yourself.

 If you own your own company that completes multiple excavation jobs in a week, it’s a good idea to invest in one of these machines, but for the average person, it’s awesome to have resources available for hire.

6. What Are the Reviews?

Positive reviews on social media like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and X (formally Twitter) all review hydro excavators as an awesome new piece of technology. Reviewers consistently point out how fast it works and how easy it is to schedule if you’re getting this done for a personal project.

 Because of how readily available this service is, you can find reviews of professionals in almost any city, which means you can shop carefully when you’re settling down to hire someone.

7. What Flaws Does It Have?

Although hydro excavation is an incredible piece of technology, it still has some room for growth. In the future, better filtration and waste disposal are a must, especially because adding water can loosen lead and other metals in soil, which can add to water pollution if not correctly disposed of.

 Another issue many are speaking on is the current price of a hydro excavation truck if you’re buying one. These trucks can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it’s important that you get a well-built one. Trying to cut costs can hurt your end goal and leave customers not trusting you. 

8. Mistakes to Avoid

When you’re investing in any new technology, it’s vital that you’re aware of any possible mistakes. One of the largest you can make if you’re buying a hydro excavation truck is just buying without looking around. Heavily research any brand you’re buying, especially if you’re purchasing a used truck.

 If you’re hiring to excavate a personal property, it’s a good idea to check with your HOA and ensure they’re okay with the work you’re doing. These are large and noisy trucks and can be an issue with some HOAs.

There’s Nothing as Powerful as Water in Action

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Putting water to use through hydrating can make a huge difference in your next project. 

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