HVAC Maintenance: Best Practices for Commercial Building Renovations

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HVAC Maintenance: Best Practices for Commercial Building Renovations

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It’s awesome that you’re giving your commercial building a facelift! But among all the exciting changes, remember to give your heating and cooling system some love too.

Why? Because a well-maintained HVAC system means comfy temperatures for everyone, lower energy bills, and fewer repair headaches down the line. Plus, it can even help keep the air cleaner!

So, let’s get into the easy ways to keep your HVAC running smoothly throughout your renovation. This way, you can focus on making your building look amazing without any unexpected temperature troubles.

Best Practices for HVAC Maintenance During Renovations

Here are the practices you can follow. 

Plan Ahead 

Before you start tearing down walls and picking out new light fixtures, take a pause and think about your HVAC system. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a renovation, but giving your heating and cooling some attention early on can save you a lot of trouble later, explains Dan Close, Founder, and CEO at House Buyers.

Start by taking stock of your current system. Is it old and tired? Does it struggle to keep up on hot or cold days? Are there rooms that are always too stuffy or too chilly? Knowing the answers to these questions helps you figure out what your HVAC needs are. Maybe it just needs a few repairs, or maybe it’s time for a more powerful system to handle the changes you’re making to the building.

Once you have a good handle on your HVAC situation, loop in your contractor and the rest of the renovation team. Share your goals for the system — maybe you want it to be more energy-efficient, or maybe you need it to handle a different layout. By making sure everyone is on the same page from the beginning, you can avoid costly surprises and ensure your building is comfortable and climate-controlled no matter what changes you make. Plus, it’s a great way to build a good working relationship with your renovation team!

Shield Your HVAC from Construction Dust

Renovations can get messy. Dust, debris, and all sorts of particles fly through the air, and unfortunately, your HVAC system can become a magnet for these unwanted guests. This buildup can clog filters, damage components, and reduce the efficiency of your entire system. 

Protecting your HVAC system from construction dust is crucial. One of the simplest ways to do this is by sealing off any vents and ductwork in the areas undergoing renovation. Use plastic sheeting and tape to create a barrier, which prevents dust and debris from entering the system in the first place, says Martin Seeley, CEO of Mattress Next Day

In addition, upgrading your air filters can also make a big difference. Use high-quality filters with a higher MERV rating (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) to trap smaller particles. Since construction generates more dust, change these filters more frequently than you normally would. Regular filter changes ensure that your system continues to breathe easy and circulate clean air.

If possible, consider turning off your HVAC system completely in the areas under construction. This might involve using temporary cooling or heating solutions, like portable fans or heaters, but it can reduce the amount of dust that enters the system. By taking these precautions, you’re not only protecting your HVAC investment but also ensuring a healthier and more comfortable environment for everyone in the building once the renovation is complete.

Give Your HVAC a Checkup

While your building is getting its makeover, it’s the perfect time to give your HVAC system some TLC. Just like a car needs regular tune-ups to run smoothly, your heating and cooling system needs attention to stay in top shape. This is especially important during a renovation, when changes to the building can affect how well your HVAC performs.

Start by taking a close look at all the parts of your system. Check the air filters, the ductwork, and the units themselves for any signs of wear and tear. Are there any leaks or blockages? Does everything seem to be working as it should? If you notice anything that seems off, don’t hesitate to call in a qualified HVAC technician. They can diagnose any problems and make sure your system is running efficiently.

Bryan Dornan, Mortgage Lending Expert & Founder at RefiGuide.org explains, “Renovations often involve changes to the layout of a building, like adding or removing walls, expanding rooms, or changing the way spaces are used. These changes can impact the amount of heating and cooling your building needs.” 

For example, if you’re adding a new wing to your office, your existing HVAC system might not be enough to handle the extra space. That’s why reassess your heating and cooling needs during a renovation. An HVAC professional can help you determine if your current system is still adequate or if you need to upgrade to a larger or more efficient model.

Taking the time to inspect and potentially upgrade your HVAC system during a renovation can lead to big benefits in the long run. You’ll enjoy a more comfortable building, lower energy bills, and a system that’s ready to handle whatever changes come its way.

Let’s take an example of the Empire State Building’s 2013 renovation prioritized energy efficiency. Instead of replacing the entire HVAC system, they modernized existing chillers, installed efficient fans, and improved insulation. 

This resulted in a 50% energy reduction, saving millions annually while preserving a historic landmark.

Keep It Clean, Keep It Running

Just like your own heart needs regular checkups and care, your HVAC system needs some attention to keep pumping out comfortable air. And during a renovation, it’s even more important to stay on top of things, says David Martinez, VP Enterprise & OEM Accounts at Cybernet Manufacturing.

Why? Because all that construction dust and debris can really do a number on your system. It’s like trying to run a marathon with a stuffy nose — it’s just harder to breathe! So, make sure to keep things clean.

Change your air filters regularly. Those filters are like the gatekeepers of your system, trapping dust and dirt before it can cause trouble. During a renovation, you’ll want to change them more often, maybe even twice a month, to keep up with the extra dust.

Don’t forget about the rest of the system, either. Have your HVAC technician come in for regular checkups and cleaning. They can make sure everything is running smoothly and catch any small problems before they turn into big headaches. By keeping your system clean and well-maintained, you’re helping it run efficiently and avoid costly repairs down the road. 

Let’s take a look at manufacturing statistics and example of the Willis Tower 2019 renovation. They replaced outdated chillers with high-efficiency models and upgraded cooling towers.

This improved energy efficiency and reduced water consumption shows the impact of modernizing HVAC systems. The project also included a major overhaul of the building’s air handling units, ensuring proper airflow and comfort for occupants. This investment shows how prioritizing HVAC upgrades during renovations contributes to long-term sustainability and cost savings.

Optimize Your System for Efficiency

After your renovation, your HVAC system needs a tune-up to match your building’s new layout and usage patterns. This involves testing and balancing, where technicians measure airflow, temperature, and pressure in different zones to ensure every room receives the right amount of heating or cooling. This process eliminates hot or cold spots and maximizes energy efficiency.

Luc Guibord, Operator at Parent Heating & Cooling explains, “Proper balancing not only enhances comfort but also reduces energy waste, leading to lower utility bills and a smaller carbon footprint. During this optimization process, consider upgrades like programmable thermostats or more energy-efficient units.” 

Prioritize Ongoing Maintenance

To protect your renovation investment and ensure long-term comfort, prioritize ongoing HVAC maintenance. Just like any complex system, regular care prevents problems and keeps your system running efficiently.

This includes professional inspections, cleaning, and filter changes. Schedule bi-annual checkups with an HVAC technician, ideally in spring and fall. They’ll inspect components, clean coils and fans, check for leaks, and ensure proper calibration.

You can also contribute to your system’s longevity. Change air filters regularly, especially during peak seasons. Keep the outdoor unit clear of debris and promptly address any unusual noises or temperature fluctuations. By making ongoing maintenance a habit, you’ll prevent costly repairs, extend your system’s lifespan, and maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.

Boosting HVAC Efficiency with Commercial Window Tinting

During commercial building renovations, significant attention is often placed on HVAC systems to improve energy efficiency and indoor climate control. However, commercial window tinting can contribute greatly to the overall performance of HVAC systems. By reducing the amount of heat entering the building through windows, less strain is placed on the cooling systems. This not only enhances energy efficiency but also results in long-term cost savings. Additionally, the glare reduction provided by tinted windows creates a more comfortable environment for occupants without overburdening the HVAC system.


Renovating a commercial building is a bit like conducting an orchestra. You have architects designing the grand vision, contractors handling the construction, electricians wiring the lights, plumbers fitting the pipes, and, of course, HVAC technicians ensuring a comfortable and healthy environment. Each player is essential, and just like in an orchestra, communication and collaboration are key to a harmonious outcome.

From the very beginning of your renovation project, make sure your HVAC team is involved in the planning process. This allows them to understand the scope of the renovation, anticipate any challenges, and integrate their work seamlessly with other trades. Open communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal.

David Owens, Content Specialist at The Sauna Heater explains, “Regular meetings and site visits are crucial to keep everyone informed and coordinated. HVAC technicians should be aware of any changes to the building layout, new equipment installations, or any factors that might affect the heating and cooling needs. This collaborative approach helps avoid conflicts, delays, and costly rework.”


Giving your commercial building a makeover? Don’t forget to show your HVAC system some love too. By planning ahead, keeping things clean, and working together with your renovation team, you can make sure your heating and cooling system is ready for anything.

A little effort can sometimes do more than we think. So, taking care of your HVAC during your renovation means everyone stays comfortable, you save money on energy bills, and your system will thank you by running smoothly for years to come. 



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