HPDC to Launch HPD v2.0 in March

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HPDC to Launch HPD v2.0 in March

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The Health Product Declaration Collaborative (HPD Collaborative) today sent notice to all online platform account holders that a “Release Candidate” of the version 2.0 Health Product Declaration (HPD) online platform will be available for use this March. Account holders also learned that the Manufacturers Advisory Panel (MAP) will begin beta testing version 2.0 on February 2nd. The HPD Collaborative also announced that it will make HPD version one PDFs available to partnering product libraries and Visionary Sponsors.
The HPD is a standard format for reporting product content and associated health information for building products and materials, and it is free for all to use. The HPD’s ongoing development, maintenance and evolution is grounded in a transparent process that relies upon input from both customers and producers, and is overseen by the HPD Collaborative. The HPD provides an impartial tool for the accurate reporting of product contents and each ingredient’s relationship to the bigger picture of human and ecological health. Completed HPDs allow manufacturers and suppliers to objectively define the critical information needed to support accurate supply chain disclosure, and informed decisions by building designers, specifiers, owners, and users. 
“The volunteer-led MAP has been an invaluable resource as we navigate the waters of improving our online platform to ensure it is easy to use, clarifies conflicting transparency terminology and provides value to the producers, designers and specifiers who will review and evaluate the product content across the global supply chain,” said John Knott, Executive Director of the HPD Collaborative. “We believe the new HPD online version is a huge leap forward and will build upon the already massive expansion in HPD adoption – to date more than 1,100 accounts exist in the online platform, with 939 published HPDs from 185 different manufacturers.”
The MAP beta testing of HPD v2.0 will proceed as planned in early February with the online platform available as a Release Candidate in March. This means that all online platform account holders will be able to use the system to publish HPDs, based on the new version requirements. The Release Candidate stage is transitional, which means it will still include mechanisms for tracking usage and reporting bugs so that account holders may provide feedback to HPD Collaborative staff and the HPD Technical Committee, to further refine the online platform’s performance. The HPD Collaborative will continue to implement minor functional updates to the online platform during this stage. The supplemental tracking and reporting aspects will be decommissioned once the HPD v2.0 public launch is finalized, but account holders will still be able to request assistance via the online platform through the “Enable HPD Support Team Access” tab, or by emailing support.
“The HPD version 2.0 online platform is a significant improvement from earlier versions but we understand that additional questions must be answered and policies addressed, if we are to continue growing manufacturer comfort in disclosure and confidence in the HPD as a transparency platform,” said Dwayne Fuhlhage, Sustainability and Environment Director at PROSOCO, and MAP Co-Chair. “That’s why we will continue to meet and discuss these critical topics even as all manufacturers with accounts in the online platform will be able to start publishing HPD v2.0 for their products in March 2015.”
Key elements of the HPD v2.0 and the online platform include:

  • Streamlined inventory thresholds for intentional ingredients and residuals
  • New characterization of disclosure
  • Integrated approach to content and hazard summaries
  • Use materials as a basis for organizing inventory
  • Improved online functionality to match the updated format:
    • Document simplification, language modifications
    • Process for complex assembly products
    • Revised approach to Hazard Summary
    • Review of Priority Hazard Lists and associated screenings
    • Best practice guidelines for generic commodity materials

HPD History

  • The HPD concept was created in 2010 by HBN and Building Green, with a development workshop held in July, 2011
  • A volunteer “Pilot Committee” formed in September of 2011, and HPD v1.0 was piloted in November through August 2012
  • The HPD Collaborative formed in October 2012 and the HPD v1.0 formally launched in November 2012
  • First HPD Collaborative staff hired in May of 2013, and LEED 4.0 was approved in July 2013
  • HPD Collaborative formed the MAP in November 2013 (Greenbuild Philadelphia), and established the HPD Technical Committee in March of 2014

 A more-detailed history of the HPD is available here.
 About the Manufacturers Advisory Panel: A self-governing group informing the HPDs evolution and providing direct input towards the building industry’s continuous performance improvement through openness and innovation in the product supply chain. The HPD Collaborative welcomes manufacturers and suppliers who support a common product content reporting language and concern for how each ingredient relates to the bigger picture for ecological health – regardless of their current position on the spectrum of disclosure.
About the Health Product Declaration Collaborative: The Health Product Declaration Collaborative is a consumer-led organization committed to the building industry’s continuous performance improvement through transparency, openness and innovation in the product supply chain. Learn more at www.hpdcollaborative.org and find additional HPD information at https://hpdcollaborative.org/use-the-hpd/faq.


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