How to Renovate Your Home’s Water Treatment System

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How to Renovate Your Home’s Water Treatment System

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Has your home’s water been a bit off lately? Maybe the water has a different smell to it or taste. Depending on where you live, your water might be contaminated with a variety of minerals, which can be dangerous to yours and your family’s health.
You might also suffer from hard water, which although it isn’t too unhealthy for you, can still cause skin problems or just be an annoyance. In other instances, you might not even realize how unhealthy your water actually is. Some contaminants, like lead, are unnoticeable as it has no significant taste or smell.
If you’re experiencing any of these problems, then it might be time for a new water treatment system. Your home’s water quality should be of the utmost importance. To learn how to renovate your home’s water system, continue reading below.
Systems to Consider
When looking to renovate your water system, you have a couple of choices. For homeowners, you can consider installing a water softener system or a water filtration system. The two are similar but have different roles, so it’s important to know the difference.
For businesses that use water storage, there are companies that will come out and treat the water for you. You always have options when it comes to treating your water whether you’re a homeowner or business owner. Even smaller businesses such as daycares, nursing homes, and other similar industries could benefit from a new water treatment system.
Here’s what you need to know about water filtration systems vs. water softener systems.
Water Filtration System
If a water filtration system is what you’re interested in, then you should understand that there are a lot of systems to choose from. For example, you can purchase a water filter that attaches to the faucet, filtering the water as it leaves the faucet.
You can also install a filtration system that connects to the sink underneath it. This filters the water straight from the tap. If you want to go all out, then you can even consider installing a water filtration system for the entire house rather than one sink.
If you’re considering installing a system for the entire house, keep in mind that when selling, this will be a great selling point. Be sure to tell potential buyers that they won’t have to worry about any water safety issues in the home.
Water Softener System
Depending on where you live, a water softener system might really come in handy. These systems work best in areas where hard water is a problem. You can purchase a salt system or a no-salt system.
Once your softener system is installed, you’ll begin to notice that your dishes no longer hold water spots on them, your plumbing operates much better, and your laundry comes out cleaner than ever. Although hard water poses more of an annoyance than a major issue, you won’t regret installing a softener system.
Mistakes to Avoid
Before you go out and purchase a new system, there are some things you want to avoid. One big mistake to avoid is installing a new water treatment system when it’s not needed. Not everyone needs a filtration system installed in their business or home.
This is true for those residing in areas where hard water isn’t present and where the water is already treated in a filtration system before entering a home or building. If this is the case, then purchasing a water treatment system might be a waste of your money.
If you still feel as though you want your own filter, then you can always opt for a filter that connects to the faucet or a filtered water pitcher that you keep in the fridge. Either of these options will give you the peace of mind you’re looking for without emptying your pockets.
Tips to Know
Still not sure which option is best for you? There are a few tips that you should know to help you make the right decision. Know how much money you’re willing to spend on a new water treatment system and then follow these tips listed below.
Higher End Products
The higher-end products are the filtration systems that treat the entire home. These systems connect to the home’s or business’ main water source and treat the entire home or building. No matter what tap you’re getting your water from, it’ll be treated.
These systems are best for those looking to treat water for more reasons than just drinking or cooking. This is an ideal option for those who have an illness or poor water quality and need all taps to provide exceptional water.
Products on a Budget
If you’re not looking to spend a whole lot of money, then you can go with more budget-friendly options such as a salt-based water softener system. This is the ideal option for those who live in an area where hard water is an issue. Luckily, these systems can be installed by the homeowner or business owner themselves.
Doing your own installment is another great way to save money.
Which Water Treatment System Will You Install?
Do you know which water treatment system your home or business needs? We hope that after reading through this guide you now have a better understanding of which one is best for you!
Keep this guide handy when doing your research and refer back to it as needed.
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