How to Handle Crime in the Construction Workplace

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How to Handle Crime in the Construction Workplace

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When a crime happens in the workplace, it can disturb the order and affect productivity. Handling it properly helps prevent the issues from being prolonged. As an employer, it is your duty to prevent crime. Here are some ways to handle crime in the construction workplace.

Alarm systems

Alarm systems along with CCTV coverage on the construction site, can help monitor and alert employers when there is a crime committed in the workplace. Embezzlement is a common type of crime in such a workplace, and it happens when an employee takes building materials or other similar items away from the construction site. It can also be in the form of fraud by taking the funds meant for the materials and buying substandard materials instead. Employees caught in such situations can be charged with a misdemeanor or felony and will need a criminal attorney in Indianapolis to defend their case.

If the structural integrity of a building is affected by using substandard building materials and building collapses, causing a lot of lives and property, such an employer may be held liable. So installing the CCTV and alarm system systems on the construction site prevent this from happening in the future.

Background checks

Running a background check on potential workers in construction sites is essential and is more of a preemptive measure. Employers are less likely to hire somebody with a criminal record relating to fraud or violent crimes. The belief is that these employees may re-offend. Background checks can help you to know if an employee has a violent past. It prevents verbal abuse, threats, and even physical assaults, protecting other employees in the construction site. It also protects people in the vicinity because the company can be held responsible for personal injury if somebody is hurt by an employee during work hours.

Whistleblower policy

whistleblower policy is also important to give an employer eyes in hidden spots where the cameras cannot see. This policy allows employees to report abuse and crime safely on the construction site. Employers need to train their employees to be able to recognize this suspicious behavior while coming up with a plan to handle the issues.

Having a whistleblower policy is not enough if the employer cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the report and protect the employee from victimization. The only policy that prevents confidentiality of this whistleblower is where there is a crime committed. In such cases, the police will handle the matter and the employee must be presented to aid the investigation.

Full cooperation with police

It is also very important to cooperate with the police if anything goes wrong at the construction site. Trying to shield one employee from the law could cause more problems in the future. Ensure that the police have everything they need to investigate a case when it happens. It is not the duty of an employer to handle a crime, but the police. So, support the police and law enforcement agencies when needed.


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