How to Conduct an AC Inspection

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How to Conduct an AC Inspection

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Wouldn’t it be nice to sit back and have your AC work at optimum performance until you’re ready to replace it — which is probably never?
Sadly, it doesn’t work that way. Your AC is a machine with lots of moving parts and eventually, the laws of physics have their effect on it. And like other machines, it needs proper and regular maintenance to remain functional.
The most cost-effective way to stay on top of this situation so you never need to do is by conducting regular AC inspection.
You could get a certified professional to conduct an air conditioner inspection service or you could work on it yourself. In the end, you’ll enjoy the long-lasting benefits of a fully functional AC that costs next to nothing to maintain.

Why inspect your air conditioner?

This is a type of preventive maintenance, and it is very important. It contributes to:

  • optimal performance of your device
  • saving energy — and cost!
  • extended service life
  • healthier air, with bacteria elimination and mold prevention

Pamper your device, it will reward you with years of excellent service.
If you don’t pamper it call on AC Repair Benicia for all your service needs.

Steps for a complete AC inspection

1. Inspect the thermostat

Ensure the thermostat is functioning properly. Check that heating and cooling systems turn on or off at the correct preset temperatures.
Take a step further and clean the thermostat. Open it up and wipe the insides with a Q-Tip carefully.

2. Check for debris from external HVAC unit and clean up the area

Open the fan cage on top of the HVAC unit with a wrench and screwdriver. You may find some dry leaves and other debris in there. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove them.
The area around the external unit has to be free of shrubs, trees, or any plant for up to about 2 feet.
During winter, protect the external part of your AC from falling debris by covering it with plastic or placing plywood on top of it. Make sure it doesn’t become a home for rodents and insects.

3. Inspect, clean, and repair the fins

The fins have to be clean and straight for your AC to perform at its best. To clean the fins, use a water spray hose to wash them from the inside of the unit. You may be tempted to use a pressure washer, but don’t — they are usually too powerful for the fins and might cause damage.
If there’s too much dirt on the fins, clean it with a fin cleaning spray sold at any hardware store.
To straighten bent and twisted fins, work them carefully with a butter knife or fin straightening tool. Reattach the fan cage when you’re done.

4. Ensure the AC unit is level

Sometimes the cause of a compressor failure in an unleveled condenser caused by an out-of-balance unit. Avoid frequent AC repair by ensuring your AC is level. If it isn’t, use rot-resistant shims to balance whatever side needs a prop up.

5. Clean the evaporator coil

On the internal part of your AC unit (which is indoors), access the evaporator coil by opening its door. Clean, dust, and spray it with a no-rinse coil cleaner. It’ll foam and collect in the drain pan. You can then clean the drain pan with soap and a small quantity of bleach in hot water.

6. Check evaporator drain for clogs

A clogged interior unit’s evaporator drain leads to flooding. Regularly run a vacuum through the drain to pull out all debris that may block the smooth flow of water. Other issues besides flooding may arise if the drain stays clogged.

7. Always replace A/C filter regularly

An experienced air conditioner repair company in Arizona will ask you not to overlook this step. Arizona is a dusty place and your filter will get dirty quickly. When the filter traps debris beyond its capacity and doesn’t get replaced promptly, you’ll need AC repair in no time. Replace the filter every one to six months depending on much you use your AC.

In summary: Air conditioner inspection checklist

A poorly maintained AC unit is the reason behind most breakdowns that lead to discomfort at home and unnecessary expenses in A/C repair. Inspecting your AC periodically prevents that.
Go over this checklist on your next inspection.
Note: While you can DIY the inspection, most state laws require that you hire a certified professional for air conditioner replacement service or repairs.

  • Inspect the thermostat
  • Find and clean up debris
  • Clean and repair the fins
  • Level the AC unit
  • Clean evaporator coil
  • Unclog evaporator drain
  • Replace AC filter


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