How a Handyman Can Help With Common Septic Tank Problems

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How a Handyman Can Help With Common Septic Tank Problems

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Living in the beautiful city of Boston, you might find yourself living in a historic house not connected to the city’s sewer system. You would then have a septic tank system at your home that needs proper care to avoid problems. This blog explores common septic tank problems and how an MA Boston Handyman can help you avoid them.

Common Septic Tank Problems

Septic systems can experience various common issues if not properly maintained. The most frequent problems include:

Blocked Pipes

One big issue with septic tanks is blocked pipes. This happens when items like baby wipes, too much toilet paper, or kitchen grease get stuck in the pipes. This problem can be particularly worse in Boston because many houses have old plumbing systems.

Overflowing Septic Tank

Another common problem is when a septic tank overflows. This can happen more often in Boston because of heavy rain and snow. If septic tanks aren’t emptied regularly, they can fill up and cause a big mess. Usually, you should empty your septic tank every 3-5 years.

Leaking Septic Tanks

Old septic tanks can leak. This is a common problem in historic Boston houses with older septic systems. When a tank leaks, it can pollute the water in the ground, which is bad for the environment.

Tips for Avoiding Septic Tank Problems

Here is how a handyman can help you steer clear of the common problems that can damage your septic tank.

Teach Proper Waste Disposal

A handyman can teach you how to throw away waste so you don’t clog your pipes. They can tell you what should and shouldn’t go down your toilet and kitchen sink.

Schedule Pumping and Inspections

A handyman can help you remember when to empty your septic tank. They can also check your septic system regularly to find any problems early and fix them before they get worse. By knowing the unique plumbing systems in Boston, they can give you the best advice and service.

Protect Your Tank and Drainfield

A handyman can give you tips on how to protect your septic tank and drainfield from damage. They can tell you to keep heavy vehicles off these areas and not to plant trees with deep roots near them.

Get Help from Local Experts

A local handyman knows the special challenges of historic homes in Boston. By using their experience and knowledge, they can give you the best help with your septic system.

In Conclusion: Hire a Handyman for Your Septic System

Taking care of your septic system in Boston doesn’t have to be hard. By knowing the common problems and getting help from a local handyman, you can keep your septic system working well for a long time.

Remember, a healthy septic system means a healthy home. If you follow good waste disposal habits, empty your septic tank when needed, and have a Handyman check your septic system regularly, you can avoid many problems.

Give your septic system the care it needs with help from a skilled Boston handyman. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that your historic Boston house is safe and friendly to the environment.


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