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Honeywell (NYSE: HON) today introduced Honeywell Total Connect Tracking Services, a solution that employs GPS technology to let home and business owners remotely track vehicles and assets in real-time using their personal computers, smartphones or other Internet-enabled mobile devices. The service is an excellent way to keep tabs on teenage and elderly drivers, recover missing vehicles and stolen goods, improve productivity and help users make critical, timely decisions.
“Whether it’s a concerned parent wanting to know that their teenager arrived safely at school, a homeowner monitoring their boat, or a business owner keeping tabs on his fleet and making sure equipment arrived at a job site on time, Honeywell Total Connect Tracking Services can be deployed in countless scenarios—helping dealers reach customers they never could before,” said Dean Mason, senior communications product manager, Honeywell. “We’re excited about the incredible potential for growth and RMR.”
The new service is the latest addition to Honeywell Total Connect Remote Services, which lets consumers control their security and automation systems, view live video and receive important alerts on web-enabled devices. Honeywell Total Connect Tracking Services can be offered as a standalone solution or combined with security, video and energy management from one seamless, integrated platform. Honeywell offers three devices to meet unique tracking needs:

  • Honeywell Total Connect Vehicle Tracker (TCVT2): The TCVT2 enables tracking of most vehicles on the road today and is ideal for passenger cars, light trucks and service vans. It plugs into the vehicle’s on-board diagnostic system port (OBD-II), which has been required on all cars and most trucks sold in the United States since 1996, and does not require charging. A vehicle tracker extension cable (VT-EXT) is also available.
  • Honeywell Total Connect Asset Tracker (TCAT): The TCAT is recommended for powered assets such as boats, jet skis, ATVs, RVs, motorcycles and construction equipment, as well as non-OBD II complaint vehicles and older, classic cars.
  • Honeywell Total Connect Asset Tracker with Extended Battery (TCAT-EB): The TCAT-EB is ideal for assets without constant power, such as shipping containers, heavy machinery, generators and outdoor inventory.

The service provides on-demand location, speed of travel and history information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Users can track up to 20 vehicles and assets via Google Maps, view five-minute tracking “breadcrumbs” and access a 90-day event history. In addition, they can receive text messages and email alerts when vehicles or assets have been moved, exceed speed limits or travel outside pre-determined geographic boundaries (for example, a 20-mile radius from a business or a one-mile radius from a school).
“Honeywell Total Connect Tracking Services delivers a great user experience, provides tremendous peace of mind and value, and satisfies the growing demand for an affordable, easy-to-use tracking solution that everyone can use,” said Mason.
For more information, please visit our Dealer Toolkit or call 1-800-467-5875.
Honeywell ( is a Fortune 100 diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; turbochargers; and performance materials. For more news and information on Honeywell, please visit


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