Hard Hat Safety Lanyard under $8

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Hard Hat Safety Lanyard under $8

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Working at ground level, your hard hat protects you from an object falling from above. But when someone is working aloft, a falling hard hat becomes a one-pound unguided missile that endangers the entire worksite. 
A fall-arrest harness will protect an at-heights dislodged worker, but his fall-arrest harness won’t protect the work site because his hard hat which will continue its descent creating a hazardous condition below. Designed for use with all fall-protection harness systems, the new Gear Keeper TL1-5001 Standard Hard Hat Lanyard is the economical option that completes this often-missing safety link. 
The TL1-5001 Hard Hat Lanyard has a 20” loop-mounted retention strap employing a spring clip that is designed to attach to fall-protection harness systems or clothing of the proper structure such as coveralls or a vest. The clip is easy to attach and the new lanyard that retails for only $7.95, is very affordable. The TL1-5001 cost-effective hard hat lanyard is weight tested to safely retain commonly used industrial hard hats. 
For quantity discounts, to find a dealer near you or for more information about the new Gear Keeper TL1-5001 Standard Hard Hat Lanyard — or any of the company’s other innovative tethering products and accessories contact Customer Service, Hammerhead Industries Inc, 1501 Goodyear Avenue, Ste. C, Ventura, CA. 93003 or call (888) 588-9981. You may also visit GearKeeper.com
About Hammerhead Industries
Gear Keeper tool tethering systems are products of Hammerhead Industries, Inc the world’s leading manufacturer of unique personal safety tethering equipment including retractable tethers and lanyards for tools, gear and instruments. Covered by numerous patents, Gear Keeper tethers are precision made systems that keep tools and instruments safe, secure and close at hand. With more than 3,000 configuration options and over one million systems in use, Gear Keeper tethers are found world-wide in a range of applications including fire/rescue, law enforcement, military, wind power generation, industrial safety, trucking, oil and gas exploration, outdoors/hunting, SCUBA/fishing, communications and more. All of the company’s products are built “Hammerhead Tough” in the USA.



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