Hanging out with National Sign Team’s Michael Morelli…

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Hanging out with National Sign Team’s Michael Morelli…

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The President of the National Sign Team dishes on his favorite classic rock crushes, the art of working a normal workday in today’s landscape and why starting a new company during a pandemic is the way to go.
What’s the most cherished item in your office?
It’s the pictures of all my kids and grandkids; they are my purpose. I finally had them all together at a wedding and captured the moment.
What’s your favorite time to get things done?
Afternoons are the most productive time for me. Mornings are pretty crazy. If you don’t get that grip in the morning, your afternoon gets shot. But when you align your morning correctly, the afternoons are much more productive.
What’s the soundtrack that plays in the background of your office?
Classic Rock-Chill Radio (Apple stations).
Name the band you cannot take off your playlist.
Duh, Zeppelin. LOL

What does a typical workday look like?

I don’t have a set schedule, but I like to connect with my team first thing in the morning so I can create positivity for each day. The key is to tackle one project at a time, while reaching out to various partners and catching up with clients on the things that are happening in their lives.
What’s the craziest thing that has ever happened on a jobsite?
Nothing really has happened that stands out, but that’s where several relationships were solidified.
What are you binge watching right now?
The NHL Playoffs—Go Bolts.
What’s the coolest thing you have done since the pandemic hit?
I started my company during the pandemic, so I will have to say that takes the cake.
What has this experience taught you?
Never take anything for granted, but everything happens for a reason.

If you knew what was going to happen, what would you have done differently?

Nothing. The past has created my present and abundant opportunities.
Favorite comfort food.
Homemade pasta.
Best advice you have ever received?
The windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror for a reason.
Biggest influence in your life?
My children.
What trait do you most admire?
The love my kids have in their hearts and the parents they have become.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Success can give you money and material things, but can never buy time. Enjoy being in the moment and create memories.
What’s the first thing you are going to do when you are able to get back to some sense of normalcy?

Travel and interact with people; we are just about there.


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