Hail Storm Recovery: The Fighting Jays Solar Farm

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Hail Storm Recovery: The Fighting Jays Solar Farm

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The Fighting Jays Solar Farm is a significant commercial solar power project located in Fort Bend County, Texas, approximately 70 kilometers from downtown Houston. The project spans 3,300 acres and has a capacity of 350 MW, which is enough to power around 70,000 homes. It began construction in February 2021 and became operational in July 2022, with final completion expected by the end of 2024.

Owned through a joint venture by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and AP Solar Holdings LLC, the Fighting Jays Solar Farm aims to contribute significantly to local and state energy needs. It is expected to generate 516.7 GWh annually, placing it among the top solar power plants in the nation​​.

In addition to providing clean energy, the project has substantial economic benefits for the local community, including generating close to $43 million in tax revenues over its 35-year operational life and creating hundreds of construction jobs.

Hailstorm Solar Repair Progress

The Fighting Jays Solar Farm in Fort Bend County, Texas, suffered extensive damage from a severe hailstorm in March 2024, which led to operational disruptions. The hailstorm, with hailstones as large as golf balls, damaged thousands of solar panels across the 3,300-acre facility. This event raised concerns about the resilience of renewable energy infrastructures to extreme weather conditions.

This damage has led to operational challenges and raised concerns about the resilience of renewable energy infrastructure in the face of extreme weather events. Despite initial fears about potential chemical leaks, the company confirmed that the panels did not contain harmful substances and are made of silicon.

As of June 2024, the Fighting Jays Solar Farm is operational again. Efforts to repair and replace the damaged panels have been successful, allowing the farm to resume its energy production. The farm, which initially began operations in July 2022, continues to contribute significantly to the local power grid, supplying clean energy to approximately 70,000 homes.

Although an extreme weather event, this incident highlights the growing need for specialist solar repair services in Houston and beyond. For both commercial and residental solar systems, getting back online swiftly is key to maintain low emission energy supply.

Texas Commercial Solar Projects

Texas is home to some of the largest solar panel systems in the United States, reflecting its leadership in solar energy development.

  1. Frye Solar Project: This is Repsol’s largest photovoltaic plant to date, with a total installed capacity of 637 MW. Located near Kress in Swisher County, Texas, it operates with nearly one million solar panels.
  2. Texas Solar Nova: Developed by Clearway Energy Group, this enormous solar farm in Kent County features over 1.1 million solar panels, providing 452 MW of power. The project, which spans around 5,000 acres, supports the energy needs of over 190,000 homes annually​.
  3. Ash Creek Solar: Near Dallas-Fort Worth, this 408 MW solar farm by Primergy Solar is one of the state’s major projects. It generates enough electricity to power 90,000 households annually, with all the power going to Microsoft under a power purchase agreement​​.

Texas continues to lead the U.S. in solar energy capacity, driven by these large-scale projects and a robust pipeline of future developments​

For more detailed information on the Fighting Jays Solar Farm operational status and impacts of the hailstorm, you can refer to the Global Energy Monitor reports.


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