Guides for Negotiating the Best House Renting Deals in Kenya

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Guides for Negotiating the Best House Renting Deals in Kenya

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Rental properties offer many advantages, including affordability and flexibility. However, most potential tenants don’t squeeze the most value a rental property can offer. They pay the full rent as advertised, yet they could land much better deals with a few negotiation hacks. Rent is negotiable since, like any other commodity, the landlord needs you as much as you need the property. In some cases, the landlord needs you even more to avoid potential losses of vacant houses that not only bring no income but also costs to maintain. Nonetheless, negotiating renting deals requires the right strategy, keeping in mind that the rental market in Kenya is quite competitive, giving landlords a chance to be picky with their tenants. Here is a glance at some negotiation measures you can employ to get the best house-renting deals.

Understand the market

How much do you know about the area you want to move into? What’s the average rent, standard property features, and demand? Today, accumulating valuable information about your target area is easier. For instance, you can check what 1 bedrooms Hauzisha has in Kitengela and compare the rental rates and features from the comfort of your office/home. The extensive listings help you understand the landscape before looking for an ideal property matching your needs. You can easily negotiate and land fair rental deals with such information since you won’t be flying blind.

Do a deep dive into the property

You know the standard features properties in the neighborhood feature, which you can use to your advantage. Start by pointing out the property’s shortcomings, showing why you think the landlord should offer better deals. They probably know where their properties fall short, and you highlighting it means they are likely to want to reach an agreement much faster to ensure you do not pick another property in the neighborhood. Remember to be subtle; if you look into the flaws, the landlord could question why you want to rent it instead of the better houses.

Ready money

Landlords won’t be as easily swayed when you want to negotiate yet can’t even provide an upfront payment of your initial rental amount. They’ll be concerned about your ability to meet the rent in time, if at all, which makes them hesitant to offer better deals and let you rent their property. Go with the money ready to show your ability and willingness to rent the property and pay on time. Remember, the landlord is in business and would be willing to take in a tenant who won’t need to pay rent.

Support your credibility

Unless you are running from your previous landlord, they can help you land better deals. Your previous landlord can be the reference to prove that you are a responsible tenant who pays on time and is respectful. Landlords want such tenants since they need people who won’t come in, ruin their properties, and cause chaos in the neighborhood that almost everyone wants to vacate. Your track record can be used to appeal to the landlord and make it easier to negotiate better deals, making your rental quests more financially rewarding.

Showcase your commitment

How long are you planning to stay in the rental property? You can land a tremendous rental bargain if you show your commitment, such as paying upfront or signing a long-term lease. This way, the landlord won’t be concerned about the house becoming vacant soon, which makes it more likely that they’d be willing to offer a better deal.

Rent is seen as a non-negotiable to many. The reality is that, much like almost every price tag, it is negotiable, and with a few tricks up your sleeves like those highlighted above, you can haggle and appeal to the landlord that they offer a deal you wouldn’t think possible.



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