Green construction supply chain roundtable

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Green construction supply chain roundtable

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Photo Courtesy: Anglo Scottish Asset Finance

Northumbria University, Newcastle, and Anglo Scottish Asset Finance have joined forces to host a free sustainability roundtable event for the North East construction sector.
Taking place on 5 October, 9.30am-12pm, within the University’s Great Hall, it will create an open dialogue between those within the construction supply chain.
With expert guidance provided by Charlotte Enright, Anglo Scottish Asset Finance and Alireza Shokri, Northumbria University’s Newcastle Business School, the duo will facilitate collaboration and offer critical resources to enable green investment in process, project and product for all within the sector’s supply chain.
Providing industry insight and speaking at the event is Dan Smith, Director of Energy Services, ClearVUE, a NetZero consultancy, who will outline how the company is working with organisations to help them achieve Net Zero.
A key area of discussion will be opportunities and challenges different providers face depending upon their position in the value chain and where they are on their journey to becoming more efficient and the risks of inaction.
Additional support including collaboration in different forms will be available following the event. In particular, a sustainability plan can by created and help with implementation offered, for any business within the region’s construction value chain wishing to engage with the Business School and Anglo Scottish going forward.
Established in 2007 and with headquarters in Chester-le-Street, County Durham, Anglo Scottish is an independent business finance broker, providing a range of financial services across the UK, including asset finance, business loans and vendor and dealer finance, as well as personal vehicle solutions and vehicle sourcing.
Charlotte Enright, Business Development Manager and Sustainability Lead at Anglo Scottish Asset Finance, said: “The event will provide invaluable insights and will be beneficial for all stakeholders within the region’s construction sector, for this is a challenge no business can avoid.
“It is very tricky for businesses to come up with solutions on their own as there is no fixed industry standard to follow with regards to sustainability. That is why Anglo Scottish and Newcastle Business School have come together to offer our support and expert guidance. We believe it is important not just to hold this event but to follow through with a meaningful plan of action for those businesses that wish to be supported through the process, in the months ahead.
“I encourage any business within the construction sector to sign up, be it suppliers struggling to know where to start with addressing the issue or major contractors that require those within the value chain to take action and want to offer their support and knowledge.”
Alireza Shokri, Associate Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management at Newcastle Business School, said: “It is critical we shout loudly about the support that universities and finance companies can offer to businesses. There are a number of barriers and opportunities that businesses, especially those that are small to medium, face when it comes to green investment in process, project and product.
“Often, firms are simply caught up in firefighting and day-to-day operations, meaning they do not have the time or resource to tackle the issue alone. Working alongside Anglo Scottish and the Business School, they can have peace of mind that we will support them in all areas and within a time scale that suits them, should they wish to engage with us following the event.”
For more information and to sign up.


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