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Georgia-Pacific, a top building product manufacturer committed to developing the highest-quality products while leading with a tireless commitment to innovation, announces the launch of DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board, the first high-performance gypsum roof coverboard (patent-pending) designed to help prepare commercial rooftops to hold tough under the dangers of impact and puncture caused by very severe hail conditions. The product, which is classified for use in approved assemblies meeting FM Global’s Very Severe Hail Standard set in 2018, is available nationwide.
“DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board is the premium choice in our product portfolio and the latest advancement in roof assembly resiliency from Georgia-Pacific,” said Mikael Kuronen, director of product management, roofs, at Georgia-Pacific Building Products.   “If your building is in a very severe hail zone or is frequently confronted by the intense  storms, you need a roof board that stands up to attack. This new option is classified for use in approved assemblies meeting the FM Global Standard for withstanding very severe hail, making it a stronger, more durable, premium roof board. DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board is your roof risk mitigator.”
Why DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board? Geographical applications?
Over the past eight decades, multiple factors have combined to raise the risk of experiencing a severe storm. More people and property are in the path of severe weather than ever before, with an estimated 75 percent of American cities experiencing a hail storm annually. Since 1960, there has been a 400 percent increase in weather-related disaster losses.
Through the benefits  integration of DensDeck® Prime with EONIC™ Technology and innovative product development, the use of DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board helps enable structures to meet the FM Global Very Severe Hail Standard while simultaneously enhancing assembly protection. (See release notes for additional information.) DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board is the market standard for ultimate hail defense, the preeminent choice against impact resistance and increased moisture resistance.
“The unique combination of the GP legacy, plus the FM Global classification for Very Severe Hail, plus the extensive use applications combine to create a unique, premium, product choice,” continued Kuronen.
DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board is the perfect solution for structures within the Very Severe Hail zone, located across Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska. New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming.
Proprietary engineering, innovation and manufacturing  enables DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board to not only prepare a roof to adapt to severe weather events, but to recover from them.
Trust the Georgia-Pacific Name
A dedication to advancement by Georgia-Pacific continues to bring new innovations to a product line with a noble history. Since its invention in 1987, DensDeck® Roof Board has set new performance standards for roof assemblies
DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board builds on this legacy by innovating on impact resistance. DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board joins DensDeck® Prime with EONIC™ Technology as the only gypsum roof boards with manufacturing specifications that include maximum five percent total water resistance by weight and nominal one gram surface water absorption performance on both sides of the board.
For complete information on DensDeck® StormX™ Prime Roof Board, to include technical specifications, please visit


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