General Shale Introduces Redesigned Website

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General Shale Introduces Redesigned Website

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General Shale has launched its newly redesigned website, providing an enhanced, intuitive user experience for both homeowners and building professionals.
“Our newly refreshed site is designed to serve the information and resource needs of all our customers, and further enhance our levels of service to them,” says Charles Smith, president and CEO of General Shale. “We are excited to reintroduce our website and use it as a key communications tool for informing and inspiring homeowners, builders, designers, and anyone interested in building and construction about General Shale and our extensive product line. It also presents a tremendous opportunity for us to give our customers creative ideas for using our vast portfolio of building products.”
The new website,, is divided into two sections… one for homeowners and the other for building professionals.
The “At Home” section features an interactive, photo-rich format providing access to essential product information for project planning. In addition, there is an “Inspiration” gallery for every product line, which helps users determine items used for any particular project, including product specifications.
The “At Work” section addresses builders, architects and other construction professionals, featuring technical literature, drawings, architectural catalog shapes, CADD documents, installation instructions and warranty and builder certification information.
Overall, the site offers a streamlined platform where visitors obtain extensive product details and view hundreds of photos showcasing General Shale’s wide array of products, including residential and commercial brick, thin veneers, full bed stone, outdoor living, building materials, concrete block and building accessories.
The site also incorporates a responsive design for mobile devices ― making it easier for busy architects and contractors to research and specify products — and provides easy-to-navigate access to General Shale’s expansive library, instructional videos and product literature.
General Shale is one of North America’s largest brick, stone and concrete block manufacturers, supplying a wide variety of masonry materials for residential, commercial and specialty architectural projects. These materials include brick, thin veneers, stone, outdoor living kits, concrete block and various building materials, which include Arriscraft® Stone Products. The company offers an endless array of sizes, colors and textures to complete any building project. With a life cycle of more than 100 years, the sustainability of brick is the company’s commitment to responsible stewardship.
Throughout the U.S. and Canada, General Shale operates manufacturing facilities in nine states and provinces, in addition to a network of more than 40 retail showrooms and over 300 affiliated distributors across North America. In 1999, General Shale grew even stronger when it joined Wienerberger AG of Vienna, Austria, the world’s largest brick manufacturer.
General Shale was founded in 1928 and is headquartered in Johnson City, Tennessee. For more information, visit


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