Microorganisms on a rooftop can cause many problems, contaminating indoor air quality and causing foul odors. They can also discolor, corrode, and shorten the service life of a roof. Garland’s innovative Clear-Shield Rx™ technology is a clear-acrylic, non-toxic coating designed to provide at least twelve months of antimicrobial protection. It resists bacterial and fungal growth on the applied surface, reducing the rate at which the surface will discolor or deteriorate, as well as decreasing the quantity of roof top contaminants entering air intakes. Its ability to improve indoor air quality makes Clear-Shield Rx coating an ideal solution for healthcare, schools, and other environments where occupant comfort is paramount.
More detailed information regarding the specific properties of this unique
rooftop coating are available on the Garland Web site (www.garlandco.com) or by
calling 1.800.321.9336