Garland Presents 3rd Annual Scholarship

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Garland Presents 3rd Annual Scholarship

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From left, Dave Sokol, President Garland Industries, presents the 2022 Garland Sponsorship to Kenneth Lambert and his father, Garland employee Brian Lambert. 

The Garland Company, a full-service roofing manufacturer and building envelope solution provider based in Cleveland, Ohio, announced that Kenneth Lambert is the recipient of the 2022 Garland Sponsorship. Lambert, son of 25-year Garland employee Brian Lambert, recently graduated from Strongsville High School in Strongsville, Ohio, and will begin his studies at Clemson University majoring in mechanical engineering.

The Garland Sponsorship was created in 2020 to honor the company’s 125th Anniversary. The scholarship amount increases annually to coincide with the numbers of years Garland has been in business. This year’s scholarship amount was $12,700 for Garland’s 127 years of operation. Children of Garland employee-owners attending an accredited college or university are encouraged to apply. To ensure a fair selection, applications are submitted with names redacted, and evaluated by a committee from an outside third party. 

Dave Sokol, President of Garland Industries, said, “As a 100% employee-owned company, we look for opportunities to invest in our people, and that includes their families. The dedication and drive we saw from all the young people who applied for this year’s scholarship was inspiring. We have no doubt each of them will go on to have a tremendous impact on their communities. We congratulate Kenny on his achievement to stand out among such a superlative group.”   

The Garland Company, Inc.® is a worldwide leader of quality, high-performance roofing and building envelope solutions for the commercial, industrial and institutional markets. For over 125 years, Garland has continually developed unique product and service offerings that have raised the bar of performance while exceeding the individual needs of customers throughout the world. Today, our network of over 220 local building envelope professionals is ideally positioned throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom to provide quality building envelope solutions for single and multi-property facilities. The Garland Company Inc., headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. Learn more about The Garland Company at



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