GAF Roofing Academy places 2,000 graduates in skilled jobs across US

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GAF Roofing Academy places 2,000 graduates in skilled jobs across US

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GAF, a Standard Industries company and North America’s largest roofing and waterproofing manufacturer, has placed 2,000 graduates in skilled jobs across the US through GAF Roofing Academy, the tuition-free program that prepares people for entry-level careers in roofing.

The job placement milestone was reached just five years after the program launched to help provide pathways to lucrative careers in the industry for individuals, including underrepresented groups such as women and formerly incarcerated. GAF aims to double that number through 2025 to ensure the program helps graduates find long-term employment.

GAF Roofing Academy combines in-classroom and hands-on training in residential and commercial roofing installation, solar, in-home sales, and restoration. Since it began in 2020, more than 365 classes have been hosted in collaboration with local nonprofit organizations and contractors across the country.

The Skilled Jobs Approach

After completing the program, graduates can interview with local GAF-certified contractors for full-time employment opportunities, helping individuals overcome obstacles to finding a job. Formerly incarcerated individuals working who traditionally face barriers to employment represent 16% of GAF Roofing Academy graduates. Women, who account for less than 3% of roofers, represent 14% of graduates, and Black Americans who represent less than 5% of roofers, account for 28% of graduates.

“GAF Roofing Academy has helped thousands of individuals with immense potential for success pursue rewarding careers in the roofing industry,” says Chris Rector, Chief Marketing Officer, GAF. “Time and again we see how this program is about so much more than the training. Every class is an opportunity to bring new voices and talent to the industry and for many students, it is a chance to pursue a better future for themselves and their families.”

What they’re saying…

Graduates of GAF Roofing Academy continue to seize opportunities that put them on the path of professional success:

Ricky G., from rough beginnings to roofing: “Before I went to GAF Roofing Academy, I did not think about roofing at all. Then I got there, and it was like, everyone needs a roof…this is something I could pick up and I could use for life. I came from a rough upbringing. I never thought I would get to this point, and so I’m just happy.”

Demitris P., finding a second chance after prison: “After spending so much time incarcerated, I knew I didn’t want to continue on that path. GAF ended up hooking me up with the company that I work for now. Since I’ve been here, every day on the job, it’s a good thing. Sometimes when you’re going through the storm, what’s on the other side, you can’t see it. I have a career now. I don’t just have a job. People look at me differently now.”

Kimberly S., from student to program leader: “When I started learning about the roofing industry, I quickly fell in love with it. Since day one, I’ve had a very positive experience working as a woman in this field. This work has inspired and pushed me to learn and grow in ways that I didn’t think were possible! Having gone from being a student to now leading the program, I’m proud to be part of the life-changing work done through the GAF Roofing Academy. There are people who are looking for a change and there are people who aren’t accepted in other industries because of their background. At the GAF Roofing Academy, we believe in second chances and that anyone can be successful. My message for anyone considering a career in roofing is to just go for it. It’s a very rewarding career. Once you get into roofing, you never go back.”

Austin T., graduated at age 20: “When I tried to get into the roofing industry before going to the academy, nobody wanted me because I had no experience. Showing up to the Roofing Academy changed my life drastically. I know I have two kids at home. I have something to push me. I would say that all the success started with the Roofing Academy. I don’t know what my life is going to look like in the next six months, but I guarantee it’s not going to slow down. I’m going to work harder than ever.”

The construction industry will need to attract more than 500,000 workers on top of the normal pace of hiring to meet the demand for labor in 2024, according to the National Roofing Contractors Association. In addition to a shortage of the number of skilled workers available, there is also a shortage in talent.

Nearly 70% of construction firms report applicants lack the skills needed to work in the construction industry. GAF Roofing Academy is not only helping develop a strong application pool for the roofing industry, but it is helping to connect contractors with qualified and skilled talent to help them meet their customers’ needs and grow their businesses.

For more info on upcoming classes or graduates available for hire, visit



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