Flushmate Highlights Preventative Maintenance for Tank Repair

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Flushmate Highlights Preventative Maintenance for Tank Repair

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Flushmate®, the pioneer of pressure-assist toilet technology, highlights the importance of preventative maintenance during National Toilet Tank Repair Month throughout October. As a leader in pressure-assist technology, Flushmate systems help minimize maintenance and repairs while promoting water efficiency.
“During National Toilet Tank Repair Month, we recognize the importance of pressure-assist systems when it comes to ease of maintenance,” said Bernard Peters, President, Flushmate. “A Flushmate-equipped pressure-assisted toilet can help lessen the amount of resources devoted to restroom maintenance by reducing or eliminating clogs, helping keep the bowl cleaner, saving water, and simplifying repairs.”
National Toilet Tank Repair Month is dedicated to encouraging regular maintenance and repairs to ensure toilets operate efficiently and contribute to water conservation efforts. Unlike gravity toilets, pressure-assisted toilets contain a sealed vessel within the tank that uses the water supply line pressure to compress trapped air, resulting in a powerful flush that leads to less clogging.
Pressure-assisted toilets also tend to contain a larger water surface than gravity toilets, covering more surface area to keep toilet bowls cleaner for a longer period of time. Because all the water in a pressure-assisted toilet tank is contained within an inner vessel, these systems don’t experience “sweating” on the exterior of the tank that often appears on a gravity toilet.
Flushmate models can consume between 20% (1.28 gpf) and 53% (0.75 gpf) less water than standard gravity toilets (1.6 gpf) on average. With 70 gallons per minute peak flow, larger water surface, and advanced bowl design, toilets equipped with Flushmate’s pressure-assist technology experience fewer clogs, resulting in fewer double flushes, which helps reduce water usage.
Visit Flushmate.com to learn more about the benefits of touch-free flushing and pressure-assist toilet technology. Contact a Flushmate representative for any questions or assistance related to the Flushmate system.
About Flushmate®
Flushmate®headquartered in New Hudson, Michigan, manufactures Flushmate Operating Systems at its state-of-the-art design and manufacturing facility, which is ISO-17025 certified. As the pioneer in pressure-assist technology, Flushmate has been delivering water saving solutions without sacrificing performance for over 35 years. Leading toilet brands such as Kohler®, Sloan®, Gerber®, Mansfield®, Western Pottery®, and others use Flushmate pressure-assist technology for single-flush performance and water savings. Flushmate is the leading supplier of pressure-assist technology to toilet manufacturers on three continents with key markets including commercial, residential, hospitality, multi-family, and more. Follow Flushmate on Facebook, Instagram, and our blog.
Feature Image Courtesy of: Flushmate


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