FK Architecture Awards Scholarship to UCF Student

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FK Architecture Awards Scholarship to UCF Student

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FK Architecture, a Fugleberg Koch Company, is pleased to announce the winner of the Robert and Joanne Koch Scholarship for Architecture winner—Valeria Lemus Samour. Lemus Samour, a native of El Salvador, moved to the United States to become the first in her family to graduate from college. She is an undergraduate student studying Architectural Design at the University of Central Florida.

The Robert and Joanne Koch scholarship is designed for exceptional students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in architecture at an accredited college in Central Florida. Lemus Samour will receive a one-time installment of $1,500 paid to the University of Central Florida, which will be used for her tuition and fees.

 “At FK, we understand the importance of supporting future generations of architects,” said Ken Linehan Managing Partner at FK Architecture. “More importantly, we recognize the value of helping remarkable individuals achieve their dreams. Valeria’s work ethic, stalwart community service, and exceptional academic achievements made her a fantastic recipient of our scholarship, and we are honored to reward her excellence.”
FK Architecture’s goal with the scholarship is to give back to the community and inspire young architects of the future. In Lemus Samour, the scholarship’s first awardee, the selection committee recognized her extensive community service work in the United States and El Salvador, stellar academic record, and endearing personal story as fundamental aspects this scholarship reflected. She was selected from a group of worthy candidates.

“It’s been a lifelong dream of mine to pursue a career in architecture and solve problems within my community to build a better future,” said Valeria. “My family’s sacrifices have been instrumental in getting me to this point, and I can’t thank them enough. I couldn’t be more grateful to the selection committee for selecting me for this scholarship. I am determined to use my leadership mindset, talents, and knowledge to construct a better future for communities in need.”

The Robert & Joanne Koch Scholarship for Architecture overview and application form for 2023 will be available in November 2022.

About FK Architecture

FK Architecture, a Fugleberg Koch Company, is a full-service, multi-disciplined firm of architects, designers, and planners providing architectural design services nationwide. Established in 1963, the firm’s diverse experience includes hospitality, multifamily, student housing, senior housing, mixed-use, and commercial sectors. For more information, visit


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