Five Ways to Maximize Time for Construction Workers

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Five Ways to Maximize Time for Construction Workers

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As busy construction companies know, time is money. So, you want to make the most of both by maximizing the time your workers spend on the job.
That is particularly important these days because the industry is seeing an unprecedented worker shortage. Approximately 81 percent of construction businesses are having a hard time finding qualified skilled labor to fill open positions, according to the 2020 Construction Hiring and Business Outlook report by the Associated General Contractors of America.
While a labor shortage has been a problem for the last decade, COVID-19 made the problem worse because of changes in safety protocols, employee health and supply chains. According to the Associated Builders and Contractors, the prices of construction materials such as lumber have been rising for months. Moreover, an increasing demand for products could keep prices on the rise.
On top of these challenges, one may add the lack of clarity and the uncertainty of where companies stand when projects being delayed or cancelled, and lockdowns are around the corner.
Therefore, more than ever, improving productivity has become vital to controlling costs and staying on schedule.
Here are five time-management techniques for construction businesses of all sizes.

#1: Schedules
Scheduling is the heart of any construction project. Any delays can cause a ripple effect that significantly impacts the timeline. Project managers and supervisors should closely review, manage and track construction projects. Build in contingencies and be prepared to make changes as necessary to adjust when things go wrong—because nothing ever goes exactly as planned.
#2: Transportation
Construction workers often need to be on different jobs at different times, and those jobs can be in far flung locations. Route planning can maximize employees’ time on the road, as well as reduce the time needed for creating routes. Affordable route planning software makes it easier and faster to create routes that minimize your team’s time on the road, so they can make the most of their day.
#3: Maintenance
When your equipment hasn’t been maintained properly, then you’re going to experience more breakdowns. That translates into lost dollars and puts intense pressure on your team to get things going again. Staying on top of planned maintenance and performing repairs quickly on critical assets is key for any construction company that wants to compete effectively. A preventive maintenance program will help you proactively conduct maintenance tasks, improving equipment life cycles while decreasing expensive and stressful downtime.
#4: Asset Tracking
Busy construction companies need reliable equipment to deliver quality work on budget and on schedule. Vehicle and asset tracking software uses GPS technology to help managers track mobile assets and monitor driver behavior. That helps you maintain a solid workflow by always knowing where your vehicles, assets and construction crews are. You can also protect valuable construction equipment by receiving alerts when equipment is moved, when equipment is being used, and if an asset leaves a job site.
#5: Inventory and Supplies
Inventory and supply management helps you prevent time- and money-wasting problems like running out of parts, searching for lost parts, or duplicating inventory you didn’t know you had. Software for inventory management can help identify what you need for which project. When an emergency arises, this information provides critical data for making cost-efficient decisions. It also helps your organization save time and money by improving tracking, stocking, ordering and inventory processes.
Construction companies need to be able to react fast when things change, to stay ahead of the competition. Prepping your team for success with these tools can give them an advantage when it comes to meeting deadlines—and keeping customers happy.


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