FGIA Members, World Vision Donate Backpacks at 2024 Fall Conference

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FGIA Members, World Vision Donate Backpacks at 2024 Fall Conference

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The Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) partnered with World Vision, a humanitarian organization helping children, families and their communities overcome poverty and injustice, to provide school supplies to in-need children during the 2024 FGIA Fall Conference (September 16-19). FGIA members assembled and donated 200 backpacks filled with school supplies for students in the Minneapolis area as part of World Vision’s School Tools Backpack Build.

“Our team at Richfield Public Schools is thrilled to have FGIA provide essential school supplies and backpacks to children in our community,” said Christina Haddad Gonzalez, Director of Student Support Services at Richfield Public Schools in Richfield, Minnesota. “This effort will go a long way toward ensuring school success for students this year.”

School officials attended the Fall Conference to thank FGIA members for their contributions. FGIA is a long-standing collaborator with World Vision, which partners with communities in the U.S. to create environments in which all children are healthy, educated, cared for, protected and thriving. Per Jack Laverty, World Vision Corporate Engagement Director, the humanitarian organization has partnered with more than 3,600 schools, communities and faith-based organizations in the U.S. to ensure that people in underserved communities have resources and services to help them succeed. In 2023 alone, World Vision served 3.5 million children and adults in the U.S. and distributed more than 111,000 pallets of resources, valued at more than $235 million, both domestically and internationally.

“This week, FGIA is contributing to this effort with the School Tools Backpack Build,” said Laverty. “We are thankful to FGIA for this ongoing partnership with World Vision.”

For more information about FGIA and its activities, visit https://fgiaonline.org.



Feature Image Courtesy of: FGIA, Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance


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