Feeder Pillar vs. Distribution Board: Differences?

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Feeder Pillar vs. Distribution Board: Differences?

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In our modern infrastructure societies, Electrical systems are something that safely and efficiently distribute the power of various power points. However, this system has two pillars, i.e., feeder pillars and distribution boards. But do you know what is the basic difference between these two systems? 

They are designed for different purposes and have some differences, and in this article, we will discuss the same. So, if you want to get a clearer understanding of their role in the electrical system, check out the article until the end. 

What is a Feeder Pillar?

Feeder Pillars, commonly known as power distribution, are used on the outdoor section of the building’s electrical equipment to circulate power. For example, Lucy Pillars by Cable Services is mainly designed for feeder pillars. Lucy Pillars give you a robust and weatherproof enclosure made of premium materials like galvanized steel or aluminium, which gives Lucy Pillars extra strength.

What Are The Components and Features of Feeder Pillar?

As we have already mentioned, the feeder pillars are robust in nature and specifically designed for harsh weather conditions. Here are some components it is equipped with:

  • Switches or Circuit Breakers: Circuit breakers generally protect our homes from overloads and short circuits. They are designed to protect, detect, and interrupt the continuous flow of electricity whenever necessary. 
  • Fuses: Like the above, it also protects us from overcurrent supply by melting when the current flow exceeds the safe level. 
  • Busbars: These are also known as conductive bars. Their main function is to distribute the flow of current to different outgoing circuits. 
  • Monitoring Equipment: Some premium feeder pillars offer control relays, meters, or monitoring options to monitor electricity usage. 

What Are The Applications of Feeder Pillars?

Here are some applications of Feeder pillars:

  • Industrial complexes
  • Commercial buildings
  • Outdoor installations like parks, street lighting, and traffic signals
  • Utility substations

What is a Distribution Board?

Distribution or Panel board is an indoor panel that uses the house’s electrical components to properly distribute electric power within the building. Moreover, you can call it a central hub where your house’s electrical circuits originate and go to other points such as outlets, lights, etc.

What Are The Components and Features of the Distribution Board?

It is used indoors and made only from non-conductive material to avoid any mishap. Here are some essential components that the Distribution Boards have:

  • Circuit Breakers or MCBs: These automatic switch-off devices turn off the power supply in case of overloads or faults.
  • RCDs (Residual Current Devices): If there is any imbalance in electrical current, then RCSs are the one that helps. It automatically disconnects the circuit to prevent shocks. 
  • Busbars: It helps to distribute the electrical power to various circuit boards similar to Feeder Pillars.
  • Neutral and Earth Bars: As the name implies, these bars provide a connection for the neutral and earth wires. This also provides easy and safe grounding to neutralize the overloads. 
  • Enclosure: Basically, it is designed to give full protection from electrical shocks and environmental factors such as dust. 

What Are The Applications of Distribution Boards?

Here are some applications of Distribution boards:

  • Residential buildings
  • Commercial offices
  • Any indoor environment requiring electrical power distribution
  • Hospitals
  • Schools

What Are The Key Differences Between Feeder Pillar and Distribution Board?

Even though we have explained both the electrical systems, you still have some doubts in your mind. That’s the reason we have mentioned some key differences between the feeder pillar and the distribution board. So, let’s check them out:

Location and Environment

  • Feeder Pillar: This pillar is designed only for outdoor use. It helps protect the electrical current from harsh weather conditions. 
  • Distribution Board: It also helps protect from harsh weather conditions for indoor use.

Size and Capacity

  • Feeder Pillar: It comes larger with a high capacity to handle heavy-duty applications easily. 
  • Distribution Board: Comparatively smaller than the Feeder Board designed to handle the electricity overload in your building.

Protection and Safety Features

  • Feeder Pillar: Focused on circuit protection with the help of fuses or circuit breakers.  
  • Distribution Board: It also helps in circuit protection but uses MCBs, RCDs, and earth bars. 


  • Feeder Pillar: Used for industrial and outdoor settings.
  • Distribution Board: Used in residential, commercial, and institutional buildings.

So, that’s all we have for you on what is the difference between a Feeder Pillar and a Distribution Board. It’s our hope that this guide has helped you. For more info, regarding these systems, comment below and let us know.



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