Experience Flexible Torque Converter Rebuild & Repair

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Experience Flexible Torque Converter Rebuild & Repair

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Disassembly and Inspection

The converter will be entirely disassembled, efficiently inspected, and documented. A salesperson will contact you to discuss any possible performance and strength enhancements available for your converter. For actual performance and strength enhancements, equipment specifications may be needed.

Repair and Reassembly

After a thorough check out and consultation with the customer, the reassembly process begins. We replace or Upgrade All Bearings, Bushings, and Worn Components, Repair, Replace, or Upgrade one-way clutch / "sprag" Accurately machine converter and set clearances to Coan Exacting Tolerances.

Weld, Pressure Check, and Balance

All converters are reassembled on state-of-the-art automated welding machines to ensure optimum concentricity. Each converter is dynamically balanced within pressure checked to guarantee superior service and reliability. We accurately document converter specifications and customer information for future reference. Unmatched Turn-Around Time with Priority Services Available.
Since a Torque Converter rebuild is the transmission's number one assistant, a well cared for T-Converter makes for a happy message. A damaged T-Converter can cause transmission slippage, stalling, strange noises, and much more severe damage to the equipment’s information.
After many times, debris from disintegrating internal moving parts can defile the transmission oil and prevent the T-Converter from running smoothly, thereby causing transmission malfunction. Taking the extra move to include a good flush of the T-Converter is a good idea since it is not typically involved in a standard transmission oil change.
A T-Converter's motive is to assist the equipment’s performance well and provide a smooth and carefree shifting experience between gears. A flush of the T-Converter can be a quick and easy process; however, specific industrial equipment types can present some challenges. It all depends on the kind of connections.
A torque converter rebuild is a coupling that counts on a liquid hydrodynamic to allow the engine to revolve independently of the dispatch.
When the engine is not at work, such as at a stoplight, the torque amount going through the torque converter is small but still enough to require some pressure on the brake pedal to stop the car from crawling. When you release the brake and run on the gas, the engine moves up and pumps more fluid into the torque converter, causing more power (torque) to be transmitted to the wheels.

Automatic Transmission Torque Converters

The torque converter transfers power from the engine to the transmission. Without a torque converter, your automatic transmission won’t work. Cars with automatic transmissions don’t have clutches, so they need a way to let the engine keep running while the wheels and gears in the information come to a stop. Manual transmission cars use a clutch that disconnects the engine from the transmission. Automatic transmissions use a torque converter.

Low Maintenance Is A Poor Excuse for Transmission Problems

Even a poorly built transmission will suffer from low repair. Things such as wrong fluid variety or incorrect amounts of fluid can cause a lot of damage to the information. Incorrect fluid levels usually result from a low or nonexistent maintenance schedule and ignorance of what is required to effectively maintain a car. If they check the fluid themselves, be aware of not only the levels but the colors. Here’s a handy chart: abandoned to be mindful of the simple things that can help or hamper your transmission will speed its demise.
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