Eight Chemical Processes You Can Do at Home

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Eight Chemical Processes You Can Do at Home

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Chemistry may feel impenetrable. When you think of chemistry, you usually think about a lab. While the vast majority of chemistry takes place in labs, there are chemical processes you can do at home with your kids or to create something you can use. You might need some chemical process technology, but other experiments only require household items. Read below for ten chemical processes you can do at home.
Ferment Yeast
Fermenting yeast is one of the easiest chemical reactions you can do at home. It will produce bubbles that are fun to look at, but you can also use this process to brew your own beer or another alcoholic beverage. All you will need is yeast, water, sugar, a receptacle, and a teaspoon. Put the dry yeast and sugar into an enclosed container. Slowly pour hot water into it. The yeast will consume the sugar and release carbon dioxide, causing the process of fermentation. You can use this process to make your own beer or something else that is fermented.
Create Smoke without Fire
Another experiment that you can do at home is create smoke without fire. The materials needed are ammonia, hydrochloric acid, two sticks, and two strings. Begin by tying the sticks to the strings and lowering one string into the bottle of hydrochloric acid. Then put the other into the ammonia, let them soak, and bring strings together. White smoke will appear.
Color Experiment
A fun chemical reaction to do with children is known as the color experiment. You probably did this in elementary school. Take a copper penny and pour liquid ammonia over it. As you filter the ammonia through the copper, the solution will turn blue. This is because copper forms a complex chemical compound with ammonia and oxygen.
Make a Homemade Volcano
Making a homemade volcano is another fun experiment you probably did in school. Take a container filled 2/3 full of water, add a few drops of dishwasher liquid and tablespoons of baking soda. Then you dilute citric acid in a separate container and stir the mixture in the flask. When you slowly pour the glass of citric acid into the flask, foam starts to pour from the container. The effect of foam erupting is the process of neutralization.
Create Soot
With a candle, lighter, and knife, you can create black soot. Light the candle and hold the knife blade in the center of the flame. Wait for a few seconds until the blade turns black, creating soot on the knife. Small carbon particles form as a result of the incomplete combustion. While you won’t need to create soot anytime soon, this experiment will illustrate how soot is created.
Put Out a Match with Gas
By filling a glass 1/3 full of water and add a teaspoon of baking soda with a little vinegar. Then you light a match and lower it into the glass without touching the mixture. The match will go out just with the production of sodium bicarbonate. This is a great experiment that will wow your children.
Dissolve an Eggshell
With just an eggshell, vinegar, and a glass you can dissolve an eggshell. Since vinegar is an acidic substance that has the ability to break down several different substances like calcium carbonate that is contained in the eggshell. It will disappear before your eyes.
Make a Fire
When it comes to making a fire with chemical reactions, you should be careful. But if you feel confident in your ability and space, you create a fire with just potassium permanganate crystals, glycerin, and water. Put a small mound of the crystals and hollow out a hole in them. Then you pour a small amount of glycerin into it. If a fire doesn’t happen right away, add a drop or two of water. The mixture will catch fire.
Whether you’re making a fire or doing another chemical reaction at home, it is imperative to be as safe as possible. If you prepare, you will be able to do chemical experiments. These reactions won’t just wow you, they will provide insight for other activities. When you have kids, conducting at-home experiments is a great way to get children inspired by science.


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