Easy Steps for Moving your Home Office

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Easy Steps for Moving your Home Office

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Unlike other rooms in your house, your home office has equipment that affects your daily productivity. Most often than not, you keep all of your important documents in your home office and invest in high-tech tools to be used in your home office. This is where you do most of your thinking which is why everything has to be organized and up-to-date.
Your home office is essential which is why you should be careful whenever you’re moving to another location. While looking for the best home office movers for hire might be an obvious requirement, it’s not the only thing you should think about and if you are satisfied enough with their services, you should tip them. Want to see how much to tip movers?
1. Have a master plan first: Moving your home office can be taxing but having a plan beforehand can help keep things in order. Before you pack any item in your home office, think about how you’re going to get through the move. Are you eyeing to hire movers from NYC or are you doing the move alone? How will you pack all of your valuables? What labeling strategy will you follow? Once you’ve come up with answers to these questions, moving your home office will be simpler yet more efficient.
2. Declutter and prioritize: You might be very productive in your home office, but this doesn’t mean that everything inside it is still usable. Usually, there are a lot of items in your home office which are only collecting dust. Determine what these items are and decide if you’re going to throw, sell or donate these. For usable items, consider having a garage sale weeks before your move. Doing this will not only help you clear your home office from junk, but it’ll also save space in your new home and lessen your moving expenses.
3. Pay attention to your books, documents, and files: Transporting books can be stressful since these are usually heavy. You also need to be keen on the packing strategy you’ll use because of its weight. To make your life easy when moving your home office, go through your bookshelves and assess which among these books you will still read in the future. For books which are old or used, giving them to friends or donating them to your local library might be good options for you.
Documents which aren’t usable anymore should be shred before moving. Simply throwing these away can be risky especially if these documents contain confidential or private information. On the other hand, documents which are still needed should be placed on an envelope or folder and should be labeled properly. If you’re bringing your own car for the move, make sure that these are with you, not with the movers.
4. Backup is a necessity: No amount of preparation can guarantee that your move will be foolproof. Your files might get lost during the transport or documents might be left in your old home. As one way of minimizing this kind of risks, don’t forget to backup all of your files. Everything that’s saved in your computer should have a second and even a third copy. For your physical documents, have them digitized and backup those, as well. All of these files should be in your hands throughout the entire duration of the move. Never hand them to anyone, including to the moving company regardless of how reputable they are.
5. Pack your office equipment properly: Packing is one of the most time-consuming tasks in a move. The time needed to pack all of your equipment can stretch more if you own a lot of valuables in your home office. And although it might be tempting to do this last, don’t. When you pack your valuables last, you’ll end up rushing which can result in valuables not being packed properly or items lost during the process. Once you know when you’re moving, start purchasing necessary packing materials. You should have moving boxes, markers, masking tapes, just to name a few.
6. Decide if you’re going to bring furniture or buy new ones: Your home office will never be complete without pieces of furniture. You’ll likely own a desk, chair, and filing cabinets in your home office now and all of these are necessary for you to function every day. Although these are important in your productivity, take time to determine if you’re going to bring all of these. If you do, expect that you’ll be paying bigger expenses since these pieces of furniture are usually big or heavy. One option you can consider is buying new office furniture instead. Usually, the expenses you’ll pay in transporting these pieces of furniture are more expensive than actually buying brand new pieces.
It’s Easy When You Know How
No matter how prepared you are in moving your home office, the weather might not be on your favor during moving day, or the movers might not come on time. Aside from preparing yourself for these situations, follow the steps from this article. Once you know what you should and shouldn’t do, moving your home office can come off easier!


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