Duties and Responsibilities of a Real Estate Agent

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Duties and Responsibilities of a Real Estate Agent

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Real estate agents, or as they are more commonly known, estate agents, have one of the most sought-after jobs in the world. Yes, many young people dream of becoming estate agents, and rightfully so! Working as an estate agent gives you a lot of freedom. Not to mention, you can achieve a commission from house sales, which can sometimes be massive.  If you are committed to becoming a Point Dume real estate agent, then this is the page for you.

Learning as much as you can about estate agencies will help you along your path to becoming a licensed estate agent.
In this article, we are going to tell you about the duties and responsibilities of working as a real estate agent. Understanding the duties and responsibilities of a Bundaberg real estate agent is crucial should you want to become one in the future, so be sure to read this page in its entirety.

Here are the duties and responsibilities of a real estate agent.


An estate agent is required to be committed to their work. Estate agency is a job in which one will forge bonds, network, and make personal connections. Because of this, they must be committed. If they fail to be committed, they can be a detriment to their colleagues and to their personal associates. Commitment is something an estate agent must possess, for if they do not, they can seriously mess everything up! It is important that, if you want to become an estate agent, that you are committed and see a future for yourself in an estate agency – it is not just a passing fancy.


An estate agent must be licensed. This is the case globally. However, what differs globally is how a person becomes licensed. The real estate specialists at StateRequirement.com, who specialise in estate agencies in the United States, recommend that you research and establish extensively your state or countries specific policy on becoming an estate agent. Attaining a license is an essential part of becoming an estate agent – you will be unable to work as an estate agent without the relevant license and documentation. It is a highly regulated job.


Estate agents must always remain professional. This is more of a commitment than a duty. One must always uphold professional conduct and standard. Behaving immaturely or unprofessionally can be a detriment to the company that you work for and can deter people from wanting to do business with you. It is important that you are always professional and show good moral conduct. If you behave poorly for even a moment, it will be picked up on. Considering people will be looking for you to sell their houses, they are unlikely to want somebody who is unprofessional to do it. You can rely on the expertise of Gold Coast Auctioneers at Savvy Fox for a seamless and successful bidding experience.


You are, as an estate agent, expected to be truthful. Estate agents sometimes get a bad reputation and are called sharks and con artists – this is not a reflection of all estate agents, but just a particular few.
If you want to shed this title and build a name for yourself as an honest estate agent with integrity, then be as honest, truthful, and forthcoming as you can. Truthfulness is an important quality for an estate agent – it is a quality that will benefit you and help you to attract clients.


Moving onto the work duties of an estate agent, the first worth mentioning is handling tenancies. This will be a very important part of your job. Estate agents let out houses and negotiate tenancies between landlords and tenants. They also handle tenant disputes, which can arise if a tenant is unhappy with a landlord. Tenancies are a big part of estate agency and will likely take up most of your day. You will be required to maintain the property and ensure that the tenant is satisfied and that the landlord is keeping up with his obligatory duties, such as maintaining the property, performing inspections, and paying relevant bills (if he is required to).

House Sales

Another very important part of being an estate agent, of course, is the sale of houses. Estate agents are a big part of the house-selling and negotiation process. They will facilitate the entire sale. It is important to understand this before going into an estate agency, for buying and selling houses can be very stressful. It is worth doing a lot of research into how houses are bought and sold beforehand so that you know exactly what you are doing when you become an estate agent.

In this article, we hope to have told you a few of the duties and responsibilities of an estate agent. We hope that you have found this article informative and enjoyable – we also hope that it helps you along on your path to becoming an estate agent. Thank you for reading!


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