Dunkin’ Donuts Center Green Energy Initiative

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Dunkin’ Donuts Center Green Energy Initiative

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Barron Lighting Group announced its recent completion of an extensive energy efficiency project with The Dunkin’ Donuts Center in Providence RI. The comprehensive high-tech LED lighting initiative will reduce energy use by 1,749,586 kilowatts (kWh) annually, while ensuring that televised events, sports competitions and other performances will always be ready for prime time, which was a also a critical part of the project for this widely known entertainment and events location.
The energy reduction project was completed earlier this year.  It consisted of a wholesale changeover of the facility’s antiquated metal halide fixtures to a network of state-of-the-art LED lighting, managed by the latest network based lighting control system integrated into Barron’s LED high performance sports lighting fixtures.
The Dunkin’ Donuts Center needed a solution that was flexible and dynamic to efficiently accommodate the diversity of events hosted at the 30,000 square foot facility, including American Hockey League’s Providence Bruins and Big East Providence College Friars home games, major concerts and trade shows, while being exceptionally energy efficient and environmentally beneficial.
The installation included one hundred eighty four TLED-KSL 400 watt high performance flood lights from the TRACE*LITE division of Barron Lighting Group. With its precision optical lenses combined with combined with high performance high wattage solid state LED light engine, the TLED-KSL provides the precise beam control, 32,500 initial delivered lumens. It has been engineered for consistent optical performance as well as significant energy savings and longevity, as a replacement for traditional metal halide sports lighting.
“Our control-integrated LED sports arena fixture drastically reduced energy use and gives the facility’s production teams immediate and precise control over the venue’s ever-changing lighting requirements, all at the swipe of a mouse” said Alan Tracy, President of Barron Lighting Group. The new system was designed in accordance with specific customer demands and stringent performance criteria based on the needs in the space. Producing over 300 footcandles evenly distributed on the ice surface, and providing a simple, user-friendly interface for control of the system has made this a cost effective investment for the owner.  More info at www.barronltg.com.


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