Digital Twin Leader Highlights Benefits for New and Historic Construction

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Digital Twin Leader Highlights Benefits for New and Historic Construction

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Digital twin can be used to not only design new buildings within the computer, but also to help imagine the renovations of older structures damaged by natural disasters such as fires. Notre Dame cathedral continues its rise from the ashes with the assistance of high-tech digital modeling, and far-sighted architects are also prepping St. Peter’s in Rome for the centuries to come. Builders and engineers in the United States are also utilizing this important tool on projects such as restoring Maui in the wake of the devastating August 2023 fires. At the same time, digital twin technology can also be used proactively for construction that is not yet built, perhaps even to make them stronger when the next natural disaster strikes.

Marc Marion, Executive Director of Business Operations at surveying and geospatial firm Allen & Company, has industry-wide experience in imagining and deploying digital twin technologies. His company recently launched Allen3D specifically to focus on the applications of digital twin, gaming, simulation, reality capture, scan, and LiDAR technology. As a leader of Allen3D—operating under the auspices of Allen & Company—Marion and his team are applying what used to be considered a futuristic technology to a sustainable development paradigm for the 21st century.



Feature Image Courtesy of: Allen & Company


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