Dealing with Injury Caused by a Defective Beauty Product

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Dealing with Injury Caused by a Defective Beauty Product

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Whether it is a burn, infection allergic reaction, or some other form of harm caused by a defective cosmetic product, you can file for a liability claim or breach of warranty lawsuit. However, to get compensation after an injury, you must present a strong case. You should not have to suffer the consequences of a cosmetic manufacturer not ensuring their products are safe. So, if you have reasons to believe a cosmetic product caused your injury, this article will walk you through the steps to file a complaint against the manufacturer of the beauty product and to get compensation.

Seek the Counsel of an Experienced Lawyer

It’s important you speak with a professional product liability lawyer in Chicago before you conclude your cosmetic product is defective. A lot comes into play when filing for compensation for injuries caused by a defective beauty product such as establishing negligence of the manufacturer. For example, if the manufacturer warned against use by certain people which you fall under, and you get an allergic reaction, the manufacturer will not be held liable. After discussing the particulars of the case with your attorney, you’ll be advised whether or not it’s a waste of time and resources to pursue the case to get the product out of the market and for compensation.

Get Medical Help

When you notice negative changes in your body’s reaction to a beauty product, ensure you seek medical opinion immediately. Getting compensation for injury caused by defective beauty products takes time. So, seek medical help even if the symptoms are minor never ignore them. With the right lawyer on the case, you can be certain it will get the necessary priority it needs.

Preserve the Evidence

To help you win the case, it’s important you keep evidence such as the purchase receipt and the actual product. Many times, when manufacturers notice their product is defective, they issue a product recall. Having a copy of the product especially if you purchased it before the recall was issued will help your case.

Document your Injuries, Conversations, and Expenses

Furthermore, document the entire product by taking pictures of the products and the effects it had on you. When you start noticing any side effects from using the product, and you contact their customer support, document your conversation. Importantly, for any expense you incur during this period, keep a good record of them, as this will go a long way when determining the compensation amount. So, document everything from doctor visits to medication, therapy, hospital stay, and other related expenses.

File a Complaint

According to the National Safety Council, there were slightly over 12 million product-related injuries in 2023. So when filing a formal complaint whether against the manufacturer, distributor, or seller ensure you have a solid case with evidence. Your attorney can help draft the complaint and turn it over to the appropriate court. After filing a formal complaint in pursuit of compensation, you may get a settlement deal from the manufacturer. But if a fair settlement cannot be reached, then your attorney may advise you to pursue litigation.


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