Dallas Inner-City Growers Summit (DIGS)

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Dallas Inner-City Growers Summit (DIGS)

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Restorative Farms is excited to  be collaborating with the City of Dallas’ Office of Environmental Quality and Sustainability and be part of  Dallas’ first-ever urban farm conference, the Dallas Inner-City Growers’ Summit (DIGS).

Taking place on Monday, February 20th, from 9am to 4pm at the Briscoe Carpenter Livestock Center in Fair Park in Dallas, Texas, this one-day event is a collaborative forum for producers and food system stakeholders looking to improve the way the region feeds itself.

The theme of the summit is “Building Resilient Food Systems,” and participants will have the opportunity to engage in networking sessions, hear from expert speakers, and attend workshops. This summit will provide a platform for local food system practitioners to explore best practices from across the country and internationally, working towards a more sustainable and resilient food system for urban communities.

Urban agriculture, including the cultivation, processing, and distribution of agricultural products in urban and suburban areas, provides critical access to healthy food for local communities, job opportunities, increased green spaces, and strengthened community ties. The DIGS event will focus on providing information and resources to support growers in inner-cities and other urban communities in overcoming barriers to the production of fresh, local produce.

“The normalization of urban agriculture and making it more visible will help bridge the disconnect that exists between our food system and the environment,” said Brad Boa, Restorative Farms co-founder. “Establishing food sovereignty in our urban communities will take time, but events like the DIGS summit are certainly a big step in the right direction.”

The Dallas Inner-City Growers’ Summit is dedicated to creating a more sustainable and resilient food system for urban communities, and the participants will leave with a greater understanding of the benefits of urban agriculture and the tools to bring these benefits to their communities.

Participant registration is $20 and includes a networking lunch. The link to register can be found on the event’s website at https://digsummit.org

For more information about Restorative Farms:


*Featured Image Courtesy: The Dallas Inner-City Growers’ Summit


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