Daktronics Lights Up Mellon Independence Center

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Daktronics Lights Up Mellon Independence Center

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GKD Mellon 070615
Mellon Independence Center (MIC) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has added MEDIAMESH® LED lighting to the façade of their roof from Daktronics (NASDAQ-DAKT) of Brookings, South Dakota, and GKDMETALFABRICS.
MEDIAMESH®, a product born from a partnership with GKDMETALFABRICS, the world leader in metallic woven fabrics, combines Daktronics’ industry-leading LED technology with a luxurious, semi-transparent, stainless-steel structure that compliments the overall aesthetics of any building or structure. The installation at MIC, completed early in 2015, features 6,816 square feet of display space that recreates the original static crown signage that previously graced the top of the building.
“We are thrilled to a have a prominent building like the rebranded Lits building as our first-ever retail/office venue installation by GKD & Daktronics,” said Andrew Melton, president of A2aMEDIA. “The application of this unique technology will transform this already remarkable building into an icon of architectural and digital media harmony. The new LED Spectacular is an inventive method to blend the past and future of this historic building in an extraordinary way.”
The transparent digital façade can be seen on Market Street in Philadelphia as it follows the roofline to show on two sides of the MIC building. The display is fully video capable and provides flexibility in updating and changing content for advertising and other messaging.
Daktronics LED video and messaging display technology features industry-leading environmental protection for a long lifetime with consistent, industry-leading performance and low power consumption, providing value and excitement for years to come.
GKD is a Germany-based company grown by a family of innovative German engineers dating back to the 1700s who created advanced weaving mills that evolved into the production hub of functional and visually engaging materials. These materials and metal weaves serve a number of purposes from filtration to industrial use to building facades such as MEDIAMESH. GKD developed and applied flexible metal fabrics in unique new ways. And to this day, continues to revolutionize how architectural structures are enhanced aesthetically, augmented functionally and optimized economically.
MEDIAMESH is a registered trademark of GKD Gebr. Kufferath AG. Learn more about GKD on their website, www.gkdmediamesh.com.
About Daktronics
Daktronics helps its customers to impact their audiences throughout the world with large-format LED video displays, message displays, scoreboards, digital billboards and control systems in sport, business and transportation applications. Founded in 1968 as a USA-based manufacturing company, Daktronics has grown into the world leader in audio-visual systems and implementation with offices around the globe. Discover more at www.daktronics.com.


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