CSUF Center for Entrepreneurship Boosts Social Change with $550,000 Grant

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CSUF Center for Entrepreneurship Boosts Social Change with $550,000 Grant

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Cal State Fullerton’s Center for Entrepreneurship supports Orange County businesses and aspiring business owners by offering educational programs, consulting services and resources to CSUF students and community members interested in social entrepreneurship.

Social entrepreneurship involves business leaders, known as “social innovators,” attempting to solve challenges related to systemic social and environmental issues.

The center recently received a $550,000 grant from the state of California to support the center’s services in Orange County, including:

  • Expansion of the CSUF Startup Incubator to include more social enterprise startups
  • Online education about how to start social enterprises
  • More online content, events and boot camps for social innovators
  • Curriculum to embrace social impact

John Bradley Jackson, the center’s director, says the center and those involved with it have shifted to a new way of thinking about business.

“Fifteen years ago, our students wanted to be rich, get a home in Newport Beach and drive a Ferrari. Today, students are looking to make improvements in our community, make the planet better and help people. There has been a shift from purely capitalistic new venture creation to social enterprises,” Jackson said.

Read more about CSUF’S Center for Entrepreneurship at CSUF Business News.

About Cal State Fullerton: The largest university in the CSU and the only campus in Orange County, Cal State Fullerton offers 110 degree programs and Division 1 athletics. Recognized as a national model for supporting student success, CSUF excels with innovative, high-impact educational practices, including faculty-student collaborative research, study abroad and competitive internships. Our vibrant and diverse campus is a primary driver of workforce and economic development in the region. CSUF is a top public university known for its success in supporting first-generation and underrepresented students, and preparing all students to become leaders in the global marketplace. Our It Takes a Titan campaign, a five-year $250 million comprehensive fundraising initiative, prioritizes investments in academic innovation, student empowerment, campus transformation and community enrichment. Visit fullerton.edu.

*Featured Image Courtesy; Cal State Fullerton


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