Terri Sparks, has been promoted to Vice President of Account Services at Communicators International, Inc., the Florida-based marketing communications firm with a specialty niche within the architectural & design and building products sectors. She will be Chicago-based, but will be traveling to various marketplaces to accommodate the firm’s list of progressive clients.
Ms. Sparks will continue to report to Ron Treister, President/Owner of Communicators, for whom she began working in 1990… and also to the company’s COO, Randy Stertmeyer, who ironically was a client of the company dating back to even before Sparks was first hired. In between stints at Communicators, Sparks was Marketing Director of Terrazzo & Marble Supply Co., one of America’s largest suppliers of stone material. During her tenure at Terrazzo & Marble, she served as Co-Chairman of the Marketing Committee for the National Terrazzo & Mosaic Association and as Marketing Director for the North Central Terrazzo Association.
Ms. Sparks can be reached at 708-921-3517 or tas@communicatorsintl.com