Common Misconceptions about Tree Pruning

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Common Misconceptions about Tree Pruning

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You might think you are an expert in tree pruning and that you know everything there is. But so that you know, even some seasoned landscapers and gardeners still have no clue why it is beneficial to trees.
If you recently added a tree in your yard or you’ve been caring for them for many years, you may have questions about how you can take care of them in the best way you can. There is an abundance of information available on the internet, but some of them will lead you in the wrong direction. We have gathered some of the most common myths on tree care and the truth about them to help you learn everything you need to know about it.
Myth #1: Trees can live perfectly without pruning.
We’re sure you’ve heard this before because this is one of the most common myths about pruning. The truth is, no matter what species the tree belongs to, it requires pruning. Disregarding pruning will affect not only the appearance of your tree but also its health. In addition to enhancing the tree’s appearance, pruning will keep the tree safe from disease and damage. Any seasoned tree care company knows pruning is not optional.
Myth #2: Pruning in early spring will result in health issues.
While it is true that spring pruning can leave some tree species bleeding, it does not necessarily lead to damage to the tree’s health. It is important to learn about the tree’s biology before pruning to ensure success. Do not get alarmed if your birch tree bleeds when you prune it in early spring because it is pretty common and will not result in its decline.
Myth #3: Cutting close to the tree’s trunk helps the wound heal better.
Correct pruning means cutting outside the branch bark ridge. The branch collar can be easily identified as the lumped area close to the main trunk’s branch attachment. This area is where tissues responsible for wound healing can be found. Cutting close to the branch collar impedes the tree’s ability to close cut wounds and may expose it to diseases.
Myth #4: Pruning should not be done in summer.
This is again a pruning myth that needs to be corrected. Some pruning techniques such as light crown clearing or corrective pruning can be safely performed throughout the year and will not endanger the tree’s health. However, trimming a significant amount of live tissues when temperatures are high can be detrimental to them, especially in mature ones. If you plan on pruning in the summer, make sure to consult with a certified arborist for the best results.
Myth #5: Prune fruit and shade trees the same.
Ask any competent tree service expert, such as Affordable Montgomery Tree Service, and they can tell you right off the bat that pruning fruit trees and shade trees, in the same way, is never right. You should never prune shade trees excessively as you do fruit trees. Keep in mind that when pruning, you should have a clear goal and know the needs of the tree before you make the first cut to avoid having negative effects on the tree’s health and appearance.


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