Construction is a risky business, and Phoenix has its fair share of construction accidents. With a booming construction industry, the city sees numerous work injuries.
Understanding the most common types of construction accidents and the ways to prevent them is crucial to ensuring safety among workers. The top construction accident attorneys in Phoenix can help survivors navigate legal complications and help them win fair compensation for their losses.
The sections below talk about construction accidents in detail.
Falling From Heights
Falling from heights is responsible for most construction accidents, causing serious injury or death. Therefore, such events typically occur when shaky scaffolding, open edges, or ladders are misused. However, laborers using faulty gear or not following Phoenix safety procedures are also exposed to such events. Employers can prevent such falls by correctly installing safety gear and providing personal fall arrest systems through lifelines and harnesses.
Training laborers in Phoenix on safety procedures is also crucial to instructing them on using gear appropriately and preventing unsafe actions. Laborers must check gear in advance, not hurry when working in high places, and report dangerous situations immediately.
Struck-by Accidents
Struck-by accidents also happen frequently on construction sites, when workers get hit by objects that fall, vehicles, or pieces of equipment. Surprisingly, such accidents occur most frequently in highly active construction zones when heavy gear is used continually and heavy material is constantly moving.
Also, dropping tools, unsecured materials, and moving vehicles pose potential hazards. Hence, employers can prevent struck-by accidents by ensuring that hard hats and high-vis uniforms are used. Providing machine-use areas with a clear path of sight and keeping tools and materials secured up high can also help to restrict hazards.
Therefore, all workers must be vigilant, stay clear of moving machine blind spots, and effectively communicate with machine operators to be safe.
Electrocutions also pose a construction site threat, caused most frequently by contact with live cables, lousy gear, or inadequate insulation. In turn, such accidents can result in severe burns, cardiac arrest, or death. Unfortunately, construction zones have many electrical hazards, such as over-power cables, exposed cables, and ungrounded gear.
Hence, Phoenix employers must mark hazards around electrical hazards in plain view to help prevent electrocutions. Insulated tools and ensuring all gear is grounded correctly are instrumental in preventing such accidents.
Additionally, all Phoenix workers must be highly educated in electrical safety and stay clear of power cables without safety protection. Electrical system and gear inspections on a regular schedule can also help to discover hazards in time to prevent accidents.
Caught-in/Between Accidents
Caught-in/between accidents happen when workers get wedged or squeezed between objects, i.e., heavy machinery, walls, or ditches. Such incidents often occur during demolitions or excavations when heavy machinery and unstable buildings surround you.
Therefore, trench collapse, machine failure, or unguarded devices often lead to such incidents. However, trench shoring properly and using safety guards in heavy machinery averts such incidents to a great extent.
Hence, mandatory working procedures in confined areas and sufficient machine-operation training are prerequisites. Trenches should never be accessed without protection, and untrained or unguided laborers should never be given heavy machinery to work on.
Despite preventive measures in Phoenix, there is always a chance of accidents resulting from negligence or unsafe working conditions.
If you or someone from your family was injured in a construction accident, it is essential to get professional guidance.
Experienced construction accident lawyers can assist you in learning more about your rights, investigating the accident, and claiming damages for medical expenses, loss of earnings, and suffering. By holding liable parties responsible, you can help make the construction sector a safer place for everyone to work.