Cintec North America Announces Staircase Stabilization Project”

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Cintec North America Announces Staircase Stabilization Project”

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Cintec North America announces its Cementitious Grout Anchors were used in a project for the stabilization of the deteriorating staircase in the Morris Island Lighthouse, located on Morris Island, South Carolina.

The lighthouse was opened in 1876 and  decommissioned in 1962. The structure is 49M/161 FT tall. The lighthouse was placed on the national register of historic places in 1982. After the decommissioning, the circular staircase was showing advanced deterioration due to the salt air environment. There was a real fear that the staircase would collapse in on itself.

The stabilization on the staircase included the installation of CINTEC CEMENTITIOUS GROUT ANCHORS. The anchors were tied to the inner and outer walls of the lighthouse. A beam was tied to the anchors. The staircase was tied to the beam to support it. CINTEC AMERICA provided the anchor system to support the staircase. ICC- COMMONWEALTH based in Buffalo, NY were responsible for the Engineering and installation.



Image Courtesy of: CINTEC North America

Project Anchor specification was 1 3/8″ (35mm) dia Stainless Steel rebar grade 2205 – 44″ (1118mm) long socked 41″! (1040mm) with 3″ (75mm) of exposed threads to attach bracket to beam.

For more information about the anchoring system from Cintec, visit:


CINTEC North America is a world leader in the field of structural masonry retrofit strengthening, repair, and preservation. The principal activity of the company is the design and manufacture of the CINTEC Reinforcing and Anchoring Systems, a micro cement anchoring and reinforcing technique. CINTEC offers complete structural analysis and design services, turnkey solutions, as well as masonry repair and reinforcement anchors used for blast protection, seismic reinforcement, historic preservation and overall building strengthening. CINTEC has worked on projects around the world including the Egyptian Pyramids, Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, Statue of Liberty, the Library of Parliament in Canada and the White House complex.

CINTEC of Hunt Valley, MD and Ottawa Canada, have associated offices in Newport, Wales, UK ; Newcastle, Australia; and India.

For more information, call 1-410-761-0765;  1-613-225-3381 fax: 1 613-224-9042; e-mail:, or visit (BLAST PROTECTION)



Feature Image Courtesy of: CINTEC North America


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