CetraRuddy Announces Promotions

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CetraRuddy Announces Promotions

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Reflecting its growth and increasing global presence, the award-winning architecture and interior design firm, CetraRuddy, has announced several new promotions for key leadership and design positions. The changes come as the firm expands its portfolio with major mixed-use developments, new educational facilities, hospitality projects and global assignments in Europe and the Middle East.
Among the most notable changes, John Cetra, AIA, Nancy J. Ruddy and Eugene Flotteron, AIA, have advanced four of its Associate Principals to Principals: Ximena Rodriguez, the Director of Interior Design, who is a talented and dynamic leader of the firm’s interior design group; Theresa M. Genovese, AIA, LEED AP, an insightful architect and Director of the Cultural/Educational Group; Joseph Jebran, RA, DPLG, a skillful architect who is the firm’s International Group Director; as well as Michael Simon, Managing Director, who champions the firm’s operations and management strategy. All will assume the title Principal effective this year, according to CetraRuddy.
“These superb professionals, who have been guiding the firm with us as part of our Executive Committee, have been an integral part of pursuing our dedication to the advancement of the firm and ongoing commitment to design excellence and technical mastery” says John Cetra, AIA, founding principal of the New York-based firm. “Our next chapter will engage the principals in new ways, further leveraging our outstanding public and professional capacities.”
In addition to these appointments, CetraRuddy has also announced the promotion of Emmanuelle C. Slossberg, LEED AP, the firm’s Director of Strategic Development and member of the Executive Team, to Associate Principal. The firm also advanced Kevin Lee and Chris Lee to Senior Associates, and named three new Associates: Adam Kehr, Dolly Alvarez and Charles ThomsonMeredith Cocco, a leader in the firm’s marketing group was named Director of Marketing.


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