CCCT wit Rick Kile, Director of Green and Amenity Business at Siplast
CCR Publisher /Editor David Corson sat down with Rick Kile, Director of Green and Amenity Business at Siplast to record a CCCT episode.
Whether you’re looking for a vegetated roof solution, or need assistance developing complex assemblies for your unique project, the Siplast ParaGREEN™ line of Vegetated Roof Solutions can help you meet your vegetated roof demands.
From membrane through vegetation, Siplast provides single source vegetated roof solutions to meet your project needs, ensuring full-system compatibility and comprehensive system guarantees.
In your journey to provide thriving vegetated and amenity spaces, Siplast is with you every step of the way. Enjoy the conversation.
#greenroof #roofing #erosioncontrol #construction #sustaianbility #roofdesign #amenity
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