CBD Oil For Treating Arthritis

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CBD Oil For Treating Arthritis

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In the world of taboos and stigmas, it is pretty challenging to educate yourself on specific subjects. Cannabis, for that matter, is one of the controversial natural substances that have been under the limelight for a significant amount of years. However, with the inception of this century, a lot has changed. Researchers and scientists have conducted several forms of ongoing studies to determine the efficacy and safety of cannabis byproducts like CBD. Even though cannabis still falls in the Schedule 1 drugs in the United States, a ban on hemp use was lifted when the country’s president signed the new Farm Bill in 2018.

Many users from youth, athletes, seniors to hospitality outlets have adhered to CBD’s consumption. These days people are not only looking for stress and pain relief, but they are also hoping to unwind without intoxicating their bodies. However, finding a cure for arthritis pain has been quite challenging and draining for senior members of our society. While some have shared their testimonies, others have researched how CBD can help alleviate such excruciating pain.
To start with, CBD oil is not entirely psychoactive. With 0.3% THC, CBD can help induce soothing effects without producing a high, unlike marijuana. The article will look into some pieces of scientific evidence provided by various researchers and help you understand how this compound can benefit people living with arthritis.

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil derives from the marijuana plant. Unlike THC, it does not affect the same brain receptors. Instead, it comprises anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant properties that can interact with specific body systems and receptors to stimulate therapeutic effects. Moreover, it is one of the phytocannabinoids discovered in the 1940s that accounts for around 40% of the whole plant extract. Some research pieces state that topical applications of cannabidiol can significantly impact the affected muscle and tissue areas, allowing users to get relief with CBD topicals from joint or muscle pain.

The Relationship Between CBD Oil and Arthritis Pain

Arthritis has been the primary cause of disabilities in the US, affecting over 54.4 million people. There are two categories of arthritis – rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. While rheumatoid is an autoimmune disorder where an individual’s immune system attacks the joints, causing inflammation, osteoarthritis is degenerative, affecting bones and joint cartilage, causing stiffness and pain. Such pain often leaves a considerable impact on the knee, hip, and thumb joints.
Some of the studies conducted on animals also suggest how CBD can effectively treat arthritis and relieve the source of inflammation. A 2017 study states that CBD may be safe and helpful in treating joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Furthermore, another study conducted in 2016 found that CBD topicals can alleviate inflammation and pain that lead to arthritis.

Chronic Pain And CBD Oil

Cannabinoids like CBD interact with brain receptors that produce inflammation and pain in the body. Speaking of which, the natural supplement can block specific receptors, allowing the endocannabinoid known as anandamide to produce more in the body. Scientists believe that cannabidiol can affect the formulation of such receptors and how they respond to specific signals.
Besides, most of the research into this wonder supplement for chronic pain has looked at nerve-specific or neuropathic pain. For example, a 2020 study has reported that CBD could alleviate the source of chronic pain, improve the quality of sleep, and reduce inflammation. However, there is no appropriate dose when it comes to CBD. While CBD may affect people differently, its effects also depend on the body type, age, and so many other factors.

Using CBD Oil

Moving on, CBD is available in the form of powder and oil, which you can utilize to make gels and creams to apply on affected muscles to alleviate arthritis effects. If a user wants to keep a periodic check on the CBD dose, capsules and oral sprays can be ideal. However, it is essential to check with your doctor before incorporating CBD into your diet and lifestyle. Users must educate themselves on regional and federal laws regarding CBD use.
Since the FDA does not regulate CBD products in a manner they regulate other drugs, some companies take the utmost advantage of the situation and misrepresent or mislabel their products. In a nutshell, a user should do proper research and know which CBD product is genuine and forfeited.

The Bottom Line

It is 2021, and it certainly means that science has come a long way. Back in the day, when people were a bit skeptical about products like CBD in the market, a lot has changed with emerging study and research. Now, users are well-learned and more aware of the effects and implications of using CBD oil for arthritis-related pain. Not only can CBD affect the source of pain in the body, but it is also safe because of its minimal THC content.


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