Butler Mobility’s New Look for IPL Platform

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Butler Mobility’s New Look for IPL Platform

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Butler Mobility Products, a manufacturer of inclined platform wheelchair lifts for over 38 years, announces the new design of our IPL platform.  Our redesigned platform has an updated new look, in comparison to the more “industrial” look of our old platform design.
The platform control tube, where the joystick is attached, has been redesigned to now have an appealing curve, giving it a sleek modern look.
The industrial look of the unfinished aluminum tread plate has been replaced by a beautifully coated textured floor plate, combining beauty with the added bonus of a non-slip surface.  We have also increased the thickness of the folding ramp from .125” thick tread plate to .160” thick plate to provide more stability for entering and exiting the platform.
The platform sides have also been redesigned.  The old platform sides were constructed in a two piece section with a standardized angle bracket attached to a 1/16” thick side plate.   Our new design incorporates a ¼” thick solid platform side with an integrated angle bracket.  The added thickness of the new design side plate makes for a more durable construction, exceeding ANSI standards.  This feature is particularly important for durability of use, especially when the client is using a power wheel chair.  Since “standard” angle brackets are no longer used, every platform side is now designed specifically for the stairway that it is being created for.  Having the angle bracket integrated into the platform side allows ease of installation when installing the platform since the angle of the platform side plate is “true” to the angle of the stairway.  The design still allows for a plus or minus 2 degree adjustment on the platform.
The undercarriage of the platform frame has also been modified to compliment the redesigned platform sides.  The frame structure has been strengthened by going from the use of  a 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” x 3/16” angle frame to a 1-1/2” x 3/16” square tubing undercarriage frame.
Butler Mobility has also recently updated the paint color choices for our line of inclined platform lifts, to include our platforms.  Previously the two standard colors were beige and brown.  Butler is now offering five new beautiful earth tone colors as standard colors at no additional charge!  These colors will not only blend well in the home but will enhance the beauty of the stairway.  Homeowners will find a paint color choice for any individual home décor.
Butler Mobility Products gives you a lift… in mobility, safety, convenience, and quality of life.
Butler Mobility lifts are known in the industry as “The Lift that Lasts”.   Our platform lifts are proudly made in the USA.  Call toll free at 888-847-0804 and let Butler’s experienced sales team help you with your home accessibility needs, or visit us on our website at www.butlermobility.com


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