Building your surface preparation toolbox

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Building your surface preparation toolbox

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Hanging a picture on the wall may seem like a simple task. However, without the right tools, it can end up being a long and laborious process. In any construction job, from hanging a picture to replacing a floor, tooling can be the difference between failure and success. Here Connie Johnson, vice president of marketing at surface preparation equipment manufacturer National Flooring Equipment, explains why contractors should pay more attention to tooling.
When you plan to hang a picture you need tools, such as screws, a drill, a screwdriver and a spirit level. There are so many different types of screws, screwdrivers and other tools — there is a chance that you did not choose correctly. Choosing the wrong tool may not prevent you from completing the job but using a wood screw on a concrete wall will take a lot longer than choosing wisely in the first place. Similarly, in surface preparation, using the right tools can help contractors improve productivity and reduce their time on the job site.
Changing opinions
Historically, contractors have thought that they needed one or two machines to efficiently remove a floor covering, clean the substrate and prepare it for a new application. As the industry expands, contractors have realised that they need different machines for different applications. To further improve their processes, they must increase their understanding about the intricacies of tooling.
Each machine type and flooring application requires a different set of tools and accessories. For example, a floor stripper will require a different blade depending on whether it is being used to lift up carpet or hardwood flooring. A blade that takes up carpet may be able to take up hardwood flooring but do so less efficiently than a blade tailored to the floor covering. It will chip away at small pieces of the wood at a slow pace, extending the job by days.
Bigger is not better
It is a common misconception that the biggest tools will complete a job quicker and more efficiently. Choosing the correct blade, placing it at the right angle and applying the correct pressure will improve productivity on a job site, not the size of the tool. A machine will never be as effective as it is designed to be unless the tooling, accessories and set-up are correct. When correct, the tool will stay sharper for longer, take up larger amounts of material and reduce time on the job site.
When purchasing a floor stripper from National Flooring Equipment, contractors will receive multiple tools that can be used with the machine. Contractors should take the time to understand how each tool works and the best applications for different types of tooling. Just like a plumber, electrician or builder would not complete a job with one tool, contractors should not limit their machine to be fitted with one tool or accessory.
How can we help?
At National Flooring Equipment, we are constantly updating our tooling offering to make sure contractors have everything they need for their surface preparation work. A broader range of tooling allows for more versatility and productivity. We also develop our tooling based on customer feedback to make sure the tools do exactly what is required.
Contractors can increase their understanding of tooling by attending machine training courses. At National Flooring Equipment, for example, we host training sessions that include an hour on the different types of tools we provide and the applications they suit. We also have a step by step guide that specifically addresses the different types of tooling a contractor may need for a job.
Any job, from hanging a picture frame to replacing a floor covering, requires the correct tools. Contractors should take the time to understand how choosing the correct tools and accessories for a surface preparation machine can improve productivity.
About National Flooring Equipment: Founded in 1968, National Flooring Equipment designs and manufactures quality flooring equipment and supports it with unparalleled customer service. Almost five decades later, National’s commitment to these key principles remains as strong as the day the company began.
With dozens of patents, National Flooring Equipment boasts the most extensive product offering currently available in the surface preparation industry. National Flooring Equipment engineers and manufactures equipment based on finding solutions to industry inefficiencies. Increasing production, reducing labour and enhancing the standard of quality are the technical benchmarks from which the company designs, builds and services. Working with its most valuable asset, the customer, National’s commitment reaches beyond expectation and it’s proven in the company’s technology, innovation and customer service.
For further information contact: Connie Johnson, National Flooring Equipment
9250 Xylon Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55445
Telephone: (+1)763.315.5300
Fax: (+1) 800.648.7124


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