Bostik wins CLEARselect™ Award

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Bostik wins CLEARselect™ Award

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Bostik, Inc. (, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of adhesives and sealants, was the recipient of the CLEARselect™ Award for “Most Preferred Brand of Urethane Grouts,” which was presented on January 29th in Las Vegas, Nevada during Surfaces 2014.
According to Beth Surowiec of Clear Seas Research, the company which produced the 2013 Tile & Stone Installation Contractor CLEAReport and manages the Awards Program which takes place biennially,  “CLEARselect Awards are presented to companies that achieve an outstanding level of brand preference.  Award winners are selected based on survey responses from targeted business respondents that participate in a mail/online survey. Category winners are selected based on responses to the question, ‘Which one manufacturer do you most prefer?’ All winners have to dominate a category from a statistical perspective. If two manufacturers achieved statistically equal preference, no winner is declared.” For more information please visit


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