Bostik & Artaic’s Global Mosaic Design Contest

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Bostik & Artaic’s Global Mosaic Design Contest

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Bostik, Inc. (, a world leader in specialty adhesives and installation systems for building construction materials, and Artaic Innovative Mosaic, creator of architecturally compelling mosaics using its patented American robotic production, will be offering a unique creative competition to the architectural & design community. According to Scott Banda, Director of Marketing of Bostik’s Consumer and Construction Business Unit, “We’re requesting that every top mosaic design virtuoso in the United States consider entering our upcoming contest. We’re co-sponsoring Artaic’s annual hospitality design competition, “Design ‘N Gather (DNG), which allows top creatives to showcase their mosaic design skills to their peers. Finalists will be highly visible at HD Expo 2016, taking place in Las Vegas, May 4th through 6th.”
Banda went on to state the grand prize winner will be announced at the Bostik Hospitality Pavilion at the “Party by the Pool,” HD Expo’s legendary poolside celebration and one of the most highly-attended events of the exposition. This year’s event will be held at the MGM’s Wet Republic poolside bar and patio area… with over 1,500 attendees.
In addition to a full-scale production of the winning mosaic design being unveiled at the Party by the Pool, there will also be an actual gallery of designs from the top ten finalists on display at the “Bostik Gallery Lounge,” located inside the exhibit hall throughout the show.
Ted Acworth, Founder & CEO of Artaic  added, “All entrants must submit their design as a 20′ x 8′ backlit feature wall. The Grand Prize winning design will be fully constructed and on display at the Bostik Hospitality Pavilion at The Party By The Pool. All submissions must be designed using Artaic’s Tessera™ design software and fabricated using the firm’s robotic manufacturing technology. Bostik’s Dimension™ Pre-Mixed, Glass-Filled Grout, which is available in 15 designer colors, must be used as the final design element of the mosaic.
The theme of the mosaic design takes its cues from the location – Las Vegas. A unique, vibrant showplace where one that is not afraid to experiment with design and utilize high-impact materials and products. Bold and cutting-edge, are the pillars of both Bostik and Artaic’s corporate principles. The mosaic design should embody these ideals – through narrative and design, be it literal or abstract.
Those entering the contest by tendering their unique mosaic designs will be eligible to win a plethora of exciting prizes. 

  • VIP ticket to HD Expo’s Party by the Pool (Value: $100; 1 per entrant)
  • Personal Tour of Artaic facilities with Founder & CEO Ted Acworth, during their next visit to Boston, MA


  • Decorative trophy mosaic panel of their design (approximately 1’’x 2’) suitable for hanging on an office wall
  • Major press coverage throughout 2016 in various industry publications and online portals
  • Extra tickets for HD Expo’s Party by the Pool (Value: $100 per ticket… 3 tickets per finalist)


  • Free round-trip airfare to HD Expo in Las Vegas. (Value: $500)
  • Plus all of the aforementioned items that the top 10 finalists receive.


  • Free trip for two to Paris, France (Value: $5000)
  • Free trip to HD Expo in Las Vegas (Value: up to $1000 including airfare, hotel and more)
  • Extra tickets for HD Expo’s Party by the Pool (Value: $100 per ticket—5 tickets)
  • Major publicity and press coverage re: HD Expo
  • Plus all of the aforementioned items that the top 10 finalists receive.

“Today’s top hospitality designers are referring to Bostik’s Dimension™ RapidCure™ Pre-mixed, Glass-filled Grout as ‘another great design element,’ which is absolutely unheard of in the grout world,” concluded Scott Banda. “We all know creative mosaic tile designs for hospitality installations are increasing in popularity. That’s why designers are insisting upon Dimension™ RapidCure™ Grout! This product is made of 60% recycled glass content and enables light to pass through the grout joint and into the tile itself, offering an aesthetic affect unseen in the industry today. Many designers have commented that it brings more depth or even a three dimensional appearance to clear glass tile installations. Using this as the last step of the mosaic installation process ensures that outstanding, robotic productions by Artaic will not only be stunning… they will also last for decades. We are looking for the best, most innovative, ultra-creative designs for our upcoming competition.”
About Bostik, Inc.
Bostik is a leading global adhesive specialist in industrial manufacturing, construction and consumer markets. For more than a century, they have been developing innovative adhesive solutions that are smarter and more adaptive to the forces that shape people’s daily lives. From cradle to grave, from home to office, Bostik’s smart adhesives can be found everywhere. With annual sales of $1.63 billion, the company employs 4,800 people and has a presence in more than 50 countries. Bostik is a company of Arkema. Visit for more information.
Contact information
Chris Eichman
Marketing Communications Manager, Consumer & Construction Business Unit
Phone: 414-607-1265 Email:


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