BoomNation Enhanced Version Skilled Workforce App

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BoomNation Enhanced Version Skilled Workforce App

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The new and popular mobile app community known as LinkedIn for the skilled worker, releases its version 2.0. BoomNation, which connects tradespeople with employers who are looking for a better way to engage with and hire qualified skilled workers and share content and enhance project communications, recently rolled out the new version of its app with a more user-friendly experience and new features and capabilities. 
With thousands of skilled workers and employers already using the app, BoomNation is continuing to utilize its technology platform to modernize and optimize the workforce recruitment and project communications process between job seekers, hiring managers and project managers. Through the 2.0 upgrade, skilled workers will get plugged in with more relatable content, an improved and personalized community, and a new communications system specifically for their community. The founders say these improvements will lead to more and better-fitting jobs. 
“We keep hearing from our trades communities that one of their biggest challenges is the transparency of opportunity and we knew we had to create a community to solve the inefficiencies of bringing workers and employers together,” said Brent Flavin, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of BoomNation. “With 2.0 we are continuing to enhance the platform to ensure a world-class experience for this forgotten workforce.”
BoomNation is built exclusively for skilled workers and employers. It serves tradespeople like welders, electricians, operators, pipefitters, and others who work in industries including construction, manufacturing, oil and gas, transportation and warehousing, utilities, and more. The app allows them to join the community, network, and promote their skills and craftsmanship, while also finding and applying for jobs.  
The new features of BoomNation 2.0 include: 

  • Enhanced user interface  
  • Robust and improved newsfeed with video and more real-time relevant content 
  • Ability to share and post videos, and to share and like posts 
  • Expanded messaging system with gifs and attachment options 
  • New direct messaging capabilities to help build networks 
  • Interactive jobs map that allows workers to zoom into a specific area and click on a job to see a pop-up preview of the job description and skills required 
  • New jobs postings in the newsfeed with interaction capabilities 
  • Ability to search jobs without logging in or creating an account, and prompts to create an account if you want to apply 
  • Company profile pages 
  • Profile wizard to walk new members through the onboarding process step-by-step 
  • Option for workers to add cards to their profiles, such as certifications 
  • Profile endorsements 
  • Employers can see and directly message job candidates right from their dashboard 

 As BoomNation continues to improve the app’s functionality, it will soon offer employers a searchable database of verified skills among workers to provide more efficient communication and interaction with just a few clicks. 
“As we continue our platform growth, we are excited by the opportunities now provided to workers and employers, and those that are coming,” said Chris Meaux, Chairman and Co-CEO of BoomNation. “Word is spreading, and more employers are posting their jobs on BoomNation because they know it’s where they can easily connect with and hire the tradespeople needed to fill their jobs.” 
Since its launch in November 2021, BoomNation has built a community of thousands of workers and employers using the app to share content, network and connect with jobs nationwide.  
About BoomNation: 
BoomNation is modernizing and optimizing the blue-collar workforce recruitment process by creating an unprecedented bridge of communication between the employer and the skilled worker. With real-time job opportunities and a searchable database of verified skilled workers, employers can fill jobs fast by directly messaging and communicating with a potential hire or current workforce employee in just a few clicks.  


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