Bobrick introduces InstaDry™ Hand Dryer

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Bobrick introduces InstaDry™ Hand Dryer

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Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc. has announced the introduction of its new B-7125 InstaDry™ surface-mounted automatic hand dryer.
Functioning at a mere 200 Watts, InstaDry is the lowest wattage jet dryer in the commercial restroom industry.
“InstaDry was designed to enable significant cost and consumables savings for anyone seeking a more economical, sustainable restroom,” says Nilo Yagana, accessories category manager, Bobrick. “Whether you’re an architect looking to lower energy costs for your client or a building owner looking to eliminate paper towel waste, InstaDry delivers.”
Ideal for high-traffic environments such as airports, stadiums and retail spaces, InstaDry supports the high-speed hand-drying experience that today’s patrons expect, without the high operating costs typically associated with competitive units.
InstaDry’s estimated life expectancy is more than 7,500 hours, or 10 years in high-traffic environments.
The hand dryer’s sleek, distinctive design features a curved, stainless steel cover with a satin-finish vertical grain. To enable ADA-compliant design, the unit projects no more than 4” from the wall. An infrared sensor facilitates automatic operation, with automatic shutoff after 85 seconds.
For more information, visit
About Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.
Bobrick is a 100+ year-old global washroom accessory and toilet partition company headquartered in North Hollywood, CA, with six manufacturing divisions across the United States and Canada and business operations that extend into 100 markets worldwide. A leader in product innovation and manufacturing, Bobrick prides itself as a company that delivers best-in-class products and service, while fostering an environment of collaboration and continuous learning.


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