Bio-Based Gear Oils Act Like Synthetics & Sustainable

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Bio-Based Gear Oils Act Like Synthetics & Sustainable

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Renewable Lubricants presents patented, ultimately biodegradable Bio-E.P.™ Gear Oils which are ideal lubricating spur, helical, bevel, and worm gears subject to heavy loading or shock loading in heavy-duty applications.  These environmentally friendly formulations meet or exceed the U.S. Steel 224, AGMA 9005-E02, DIN 51517 Part 3, ISO 12925-1 CKD, David Brown DB S1.53.101 and Cincinnati Machine performance requirements.  In addition to performance comparable to or exceeding synthetics, these bio-based products help companies achieve their sustainability goals.  Formulated from renewable agricultural bio-based resources, they are non-toxic, zinc-free formulations which contain no heavy metals. Direct replacement products are available for Industrial Grade, ISO grade, and AGMA products.  Bio-E.P.™ Gear Oils are an economical choice where leakage or contaminations are more prominent or on equipment with more frequent oil change intervals.

Energy conserving Stabilized BOBS technology combined with synthetic base stocks and exceptional E.P./anti-wear technology results in a super high viscosity index (VI) product with long life heat stability.  This provides longer gear life protection through extremely high film strength during elevated operating temperatures.  Rapid demulsification allows users to drain water from the system quickly to prevent corrosion, protect components, and extend oil life.

Bio-E.P. ™ Gear Oils meet the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP) guidelines for Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs) and should be used where low toxicity, biodegradability, and non-bioaccumulation properties are required.  In addition to being safer for the environment, they are safer for employees.  It exceeds the acute toxicity (LC-50/EC-50{1000 ppm) criteria adopted by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the US EPA.

Renewable Lubricants, Inc. began as a research and development company in 1991, developing high performance products that would directly replace petroleum-based products.  Starting from a single corn-based engine oil developed in the inventor’s garage, the company now offers more than 250 products and has over 100 worldwide patents.  They manufacture their products as environmentally friendly as possible without sacrificing performance.  For more information on Renewable Lubricants, Inc., contact Benjamin Garmier at (330) 877-9982, or, or visit


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