Be Prepared! 5 Common On-Site Construction Problems You May Encounter

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Be Prepared! 5 Common On-Site Construction Problems You May Encounter

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Are you about to undergo a huge construction process for your company? Are you a construction worker that’s wanting to learn more about looking at the entire process from a broader scope?
If so, then you’ll want to learn about the common construction problems that can occur on the job. More importantly, it’s all about learning what those issues could look like and how to prevent them entirely.
Educating yourself about them beforehand will help you learn what to do if the situation were to arise. Be sure to read below for more information on the common construction problems that might occur.

  1. Unusable Custom Parts

Imagine ordering a custom order on parts for a specific construction project, then receiving them, and realizing they’re incorrect. If your project was depending on them to continue, then it can delay the entire process.
It might be that the part wasn’t sized correctly in the planning stage or the part has a flaw from the manufacturer that made it. Either way, it’s unusable, and the process (and the client) will have to suffer for it.
There are two things you can do in this situation, the first one obviously being to use it as-is. While it might take a few modifications to work properly, nothing is impossible.
The second option is to reorder the part in order to get the exact custom part that you need. If you received the part early enough, then you might be able to receive the new one without delaying the project.

  1. Incorrect Project Funding

Any experienced contractor will tell you that there are times when the construction project gets dangerously close to the project’s budget. To the point where they stay up at night, thinking of different ways to cut costs and come in under budget.
Imagine experiencing a scenario where you actually go over budget. You then have to notify the client that you’ll need more money to complete the project. That’s a call that no one wants to make.
Fortunately, there are ways to prevent that from ever happening. You can use credible companies such as Lien Management Solutions LLC to accurately project your project’s necessary funding.
They also help with things like installing efficient payment processes, handling construction paperwork, and many other of the industry’s common issues.

  1. Subpar Communication

Think about what it would be like to spend thousands, if not millions, of dollars on a construction project, then be left completely in the dark as construction happens. How can you be sure your project will be completed on time?
Unfortunately, this happens far too often in the construction industry. Project managers don’t take enough time to prioritize clear communication with their clients.
Even worse, they lack communication skills with their team. Without a voice to point them in each direction, the project might not turn out how the client had envisioned.
It’s the project manager’s job to update their team on how the upper management feels about the results so far. From those thoughts come different ideas on how to adjust the project, given the client and management’s feedback.

  1. Not Sticking to the Schedule

The construction process involves a start date and an end date. However, between those two should be a rigorous daily schedule to meet the projected end date.
When it comes to creating an effective schedule, there’s a balance that needs to be struck.
If the schedule is too aggressive and fills each day with too many tasks, then there’s no wiggle room. One rainy day or faulty part can set the project back much further than planned.
But if the schedule offers too much wiggle room, then the projected finish date will be much further off than upper management, stakeholders, and clients might find acceptable.
To have a constructive schedule, assemble your team, and come up with measurable goals for each day. That way, if you need to make up some work from delays, you have the extra time to do so.

  1. Contractors Wanting Upfront Payment

This is one of the trickiest situations that you’ll find yourself in if you’re a project manager. You need a contractor or subcontractor to come in and complete the job on time, but they’re demanding upfront payment before finishing the job.
It’s only reasonable that you wouldn’t pay them in full until the job is finished. But some might not see it that way. What are you to do?
To avoid a financial back-and-forth, you must maintain communication and talk it through with them. Give them a peek behind the curtain, if necessary, to show them why full upfront payment simply isn’t possible.
It’s all about coming up with actionable solutions. You might be able to find a compromise that you’re both happy with. For example, throw out the idea of different tiers of payment up until the project is complete.
If they still aren’t having it, then offer to pay the payments upfront, but placing them into escrow instead of a personal account. That way, your money is protected in case the project falls through.
Prevent These Common Construction Problems in Your Project
Now that you’ve seen some of the most common construction problems, it’s time for you to take preventative action against them.
As you’ve probably noticed, a large amount of these mistakes can be avoided by simply maintaining constant communication with all parties involved.
Be sure to browse our website for more articles on project management, as well as many other helpful topics!


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