BAC Announces Nexus™ Modular Hybrid Cooler

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BAC Announces Nexus™ Modular Hybrid Cooler

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Baltimore Aircoil Company (BAC) is proud to introduce the Nexus™ Modular Hybrid Cooler, the world’s first intelligent, plug-and-play, modular, hybrid fluid cooling system. The Nexus is engineered to simplify system design and optimize water and energy savings, while providing the lowest installation, operating, and maintenance costs.
The Nexus Modular Hybrid Cooler simplifies both the design and installation of fluid cooling systems. The units are up to 8 feet shorter in height, have a 40 percent smaller footprint and are 35 percent lighter than traditional fluid coolers. Modules are designed to be moved with a pallet jack and fit in a freight elevator – eliminating the need for special rigging equipment. Structural steel requirements can be reduced by up to 50 percent, and permanent ladders or elevated platforms can be eliminated. All fans, pumps, accessories and controls are factory installed, and wired, for true single-point wiring.
BAC’s patented hCore™ Heat Transfer Technology delivers exceptional heat transfer performance, durability, and longevity in a compact, corrosion-resistant package that has 65 percent less internal fluid volume and requires no passivation. The Nexus Cooler’s new, patent-pending DiamondClear™ design uses 60 percent less spray water volume than traditional systems, has turbulent spray water flow, and the spray water basin can be inspected while in operation. BAC’s innovative iPilot™ Control System with patent-pending, embedded intelligence minimizes operating cost by effectively balancing water and energy savings based on customer needs and preferences. The EC Fan System provides superior efficiency as well as high external static capability, with a direct-drive radial fan and a variable-speed electrically commutated (EC) motor. It completely eliminates maintenance associated with traditional fan drive systems and delivers superior reliability.
The Nexus Modular Hybrid Cooler has the highest uptime and reliability. As standard, it is a passivation-free unit with premium non-corrosive materials to keep you up-and-running at the most critical times. Code compliance is also very important for our customers so a non-combustible option that meets the most stringent fire codes will now be available.
“This product highlights our leadership position in innovation, as we have created the world’s first truly smart hybrid cooling solution, with the ability to switch between evaporative and dry cooling in a modular compact footprint,” said Don Fetzer, BAC President.
With over 80 years of industry-leading innovation and experience, BAC creates cutting-edge cooling equipment for the HVAC, Industrial, and Refrigeration marketplaces. We solve customers’ unique needs with our expertise and wide range of high-performance systems. BAC leverages the power of evaporative cooling by optimizing the balance of water and energy, but the true BAC difference lies in our absolute commitment to creating sustainable solutions and delivering value to our customers.
For more information about Baltimore Aircoil Company, visit


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