B2W Software Receives Two Awards

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B2W Software Receives Two Awards

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B2W Software, a leading provider of enterprise-class construction software, announced that its B2W Cloud and B2W Maintainproducts took Finalist status for the 2015-16 Cloud Awards Program and the 2016 BIG Innovations Awards respectively. B2W’s innovative software continues to capture awards for unifying isolated construction company data and streamlining operations. B2W Cloud allows construction companies to host their B2W platform in the Cloud, while B2W Maintain is a specialized element used to manage equipment maintenance and repair processes.
Awarding excellence and innovation in cloud computing, the Cloud Awards Program accepts entries from across the globe, including the US, Canada, Australasia and EMEA, and of any size including start-ups and government bodies.  B2W Cloud was listed as a Finalist for its distributed enterprise architecture that ensures the reliability, uptime, and scalability of B2W applications without the need for construction enterprises to purchase their own server capacity. The cloud-based service also helps eliminate IT worries by assuming all server-related hardware and software maintenance responsibilities and provides a multi-layered security system to ensure information is only available to those authorized to see it. In addition, B2W Cloud allows customers to access their entire B2W Software construction management suitefrom anywhere there is an Internet connection.
The BIG Innovation Awards recognizes those organizations and people who bring new ideas to life. Whether big or small, these ideas change the way we experience the world. Organizations from around the world submitted their recent innovations for consideration in the 2016 BIG Innovation Awards. B2W Maintain was listed as a Finalist by a select group of business leaders and executives who volunteer their time and expertise to score submissions and provide feedback.
B2W Maintain caught the judges’ attention for its ability to provide a centralized resource for complete information on equipment, including maintenance history and status. B2W Maintain is built on the Microsoft SQL.net platform and used by heavy construction companies to maximize equipment uptime and reduce costs through a more proactive, coordinated approach to maintenance and repairs for fleets that can include hundreds of assets.
“B2W Software delivers a unique platform for construction operations built on the concept of unified, collaborative data and covering estimating, scheduling, field tracking, equipment maintenance, data management and business analytics,” said B2W Software founder and CEO Paul McKeon.  “Our B2W Maintain solution allows construction companies to cut equipment maintenance and repair costs while keeping assets on the job site longer, and our Cloud solution cuts IT costs and complexity for our clients. We are proud the Cloud Awards Program and the 2016 BIG Innovation Awards have validated our innovative offerings.”
About B2W Software
Headquartered in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, B2W Software (formerly BID2WIN Software™) is a premier provider of enterprise-class construction software, services and solutions that is redefining the future for streamlined operations. Powered by the unique ONE platform, B2W solutions effectively leverage the latest technologies into a unified system for estimating and bidding, field tracking and analysis, resource planning and dispatching and equipment maintenance and repair.


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